Suck my $&?!#%
This ship is sinking how can u continue to grow at 30% a year with recalls dumazz
This ship is sinking how can u continue to grow at 30% a year with recalls dumazz
Suck my $&?!#%
This ship is sinking how can u continue to grow at 30% a year with recalls dumazz
I wish I knew who was posting on this site when you should be out selling!
No excuses , This territory is to saturated or we are priced to high well I don't care every territory should be doing 2.5 mill easy the only reason its not is because the rep is lazy and sits home all day. Next years quotas are coming and there based on 20% growth over this year so I think we will weed out the lazy pretty quickly.
Its never the terr only the Rep when I was a TM I grew each year at 35-45% so 20% should be very doable.