It is never wise to assume that what you do cannot be done by anyone else. Controlled distribution, buy and bill, complex disease state --Oncology is not the only area that has these. But the PP is right, a reasonably intelligent specialty rep with extra disease related training will get it. After that it is experience and practice which is true for any drug PC/SP/Onc. The more you do it the better you get at it. There was a time people used to laugh at Japanese cars. Now Lexus is the symbol of luxury and fine engineering.

Yes and Toyota is settling with the government for faulty gas pedals...

Hey OB,

Do you even yourself believe in these BSs you write here? What is wrong with you? Didn't your mother hug you enough when you were growing up? Don't you know that we can recognize you through these BSs? Do you have those sleepless nights again?