Reason for mass exodus?

almost every year NPS wins best place to work in New Jersey. Come on in the water is fine. Gattex is a blockbuster in the US and just launching in EU - our second product will be approved any minute.... we are THE PLACE TO BE

almost every year NPS wins best place to work in New Jersey. Come on in the water is fine. Gattex is a blockbuster in the US and just launching in EU - our second product will be approved any minute.... we are THE PLACE TO BE

Nice seen you here Firuta. Explain why people keeps leaving if here is such a great place, please?

Say what you will about PF... Guy was here for a cup of coffee and backed the brinks truck up to the NPS doors. He'll leave with over $2 million, check the SEC filings. Between 60,000 options at $23 and 800k in other cash payments. Add in a one year severance including bonus. Wish we all had the same good fortune.