Just randomly select five other compnay boards to read. You will quickly see the same dissatisfaction, just different company. Your problem is not really your industry, or your company, it is your profession. It is a profession that masquerades as "Sales" but is not; so what really is it? Well its a high paid job that really does not much, but is effective in doing in. You are paid to be friends with prescribers, and influence their habits. Hence, you have no transferrable skills to any other industry or position.
Let me guess, you have never worked for another pharma company. Let me tell you Sparky I worked for a WC competitor and was treated quite well. It all depends on management and WC has the worst in the industry.
And who really gives a shit if it's "Sales" or not? That bullshit is so worn out. And about the skills thing, the biotech company I work for likes my skills just fine.
You've drunk so much koolaid you don't know up from down.