

So what is the word on them notifying reps? Anyone have any insight? I heard friday but I would imagine we would get an email or something telling us to keep a certain time open for a phone call from the higher ups....

Sooner the better. Whether you like the company and the environment/culture of the company or not Where you work is a choice and people always have the option to leave at anytime
If your let go maybe that will help those that have wanted to leave but didn't because fear or lack of options If u have options then this situation isn't so stressful

Sooner the better. Whether you like the company and the environment/culture of the company or not Where you work is a choice and people always have the option to leave at anytime
If your let go maybe that will help those that have wanted to leave but didn't because fear or lack of options If u have options then this situation isn't so stressful

We will have the same options as the other 100,000 reps fom the industry have.

Those that aren't looking outside pharma should There are options in other industries. Pharma rep job is good, but there are better more rewarding ways to make money Pharma industry is dead

Those that aren't looking outside pharma should There are options in other industries. Pharma rep job is good, but there are better more rewarding ways to make money Pharma industry is dead

Yes, there are lots of low or no base salary sales jobs available:

- Insurance
- Real Estate

Lets be clear, for 99% of us, your financial life will deteriorate greatly if you are laid off. There are currently at least 80,000 unemployed Pharma reps, so no place in pharma for you to go. Unless you have experience in another industry, why would they hire you. The problem is that pharma sales is rewarding financially but is not really sales, and does not develop any other marketable skills except maybe caterer, stripper, or delivery man.

Most of the sales force knows everything already but the official word is due to come this Friday. Not sure why they are waiting so long as the grapevine has already made full circle to most people.

YES I agree! Could someone who knows ANYTHING please post! This is unfair and its torture.....we all have families ect and would like to know what going on with our jobs! Thank you in advance for any kind person who would like to fill the rest of us in!

The whole sales force is not getting cut. They are combining empty territories with existing ones. Basically twice the number you currently call on. The obgyn targets will go to whc. So if you have no empty territories near you you're more likely to be cut than someone who does. Thats all I know, sorry.

The whole sales force is not getting cut. They are combining empty territories with existing ones. Basically twice the number you currently call on. The obgyn targets will go to whc. So if you have no empty territories near you you're more likely to be cut than someone who does. Thats all I know, sorry.

If this is how its going to happen then won't this just result in a bunch of empty territories? If you are let go because there are no empty territories near you then all those territories will then end up empty with just obgyns being called on...what sense does that make? Plus with the reps at the top being obviously safe what about reps that are new hires? None of this makes any sense they need to do what they are gonna do before we all go crazy!

If this is how its going to happen then won't this just result in a bunch of empty territories? If you are let go because there are no empty territories near you then all those territories will then end up empty with just obgyns being called on...what sense does that make? Plus with the reps at the top being obviously safe what about reps that are new hires? None of this makes any sense they need to do what they are gonna do before we all go crazy!

You do not delude yourself into thinking that an open territory somehow relates to how much drug is used, do you? Come one now........