Real Recruiter Stories- someone do something - this is not right!!!!

I’ve been laid off and thought I had a great recruiter that connected me with 3 cattle calls or final interviews. He left and so I found another job outside Pharma.A year later new recruiter and I seem to mesh. Immediately I go to Dallas for a cattle call that I don’t get but with a month I go to 2 more final interviews. I was pissed and frustrated. I looked at LinkedIn they hired some ditzy looking One of them feedback I get was I came late and unprepared to explain what I know about this complex neurology product. (I sold a CNS product and Like a lot of Pharma reps tried to bullshit my way during the interview)

As much as I understand being frustrated with not getting rehired on another contract, it all comes down to finding the right candidate. So as much as I thought I was the shit and that Inventiv and the recruiters owed it to me to get a high paying long term contract that will soon turnover to a direct hire position, I had to not only be prepared and qualified, I had to be the right person the manager was looking for.

After a year with on and off interviewing I did get rehired on a contract. To be honest, I did a lot of bullshit to get this position. Sucks cause it’s only been 3 months and I know this wasn’t a
good fit.

Will Syneos hire anyone with more than 10 years of pharma experience? I've heard that certain contracts will not allow these candidates to be interviewed. This sounds like age discrimination to me. I've stopped applying for Syneos positions.