Ready to launch HTX-011?

They teach Defensiveness 101 at Cadence New Hire training. It is mandatory

Nobody cares who came from which company, right now ALL Heron employees look bad to the outside world due to CRL (not our first BTW) and crap CINV sales. Some heads really need to roll for this to show employees and investors there is accountability, but of course we’ll just plod along for another year while upper management gets more options and bonuses. Patients, investors and all the reps we were going to hire get screwed due to management incompetence.

Nobody cares who came from which company, right now ALL Heron employees look bad to the outside world due to CRL (not our first BTW) and crap CINV sales. Some heads really need to roll for this to show employees and investors there is accountability, but of course we’ll just plod along for another year while upper management gets more options and bonuses. Patients, investors and all the reps we were going to hire get screwed due to management incompetence.

Not sure if CMC folks blew it or company got hosed by FDA here. Wouldn’t be the first time FDA just issued CRL because they didn’t do their jobs and complete review on time. Who is to blame here?

It's been frighteningly quiet since the CRL. The lack of updates tells me that there are bigger issues than they've let on and we may be looking at a significantly longer time to re-submission than we had hoped. No word of the timing of a follow meeting with FDA and the longer that takes the longer it'll be until we can address the problems.

Everyone that received a contingent offer are now interviewing with other companies and taking other jobs. All that work down the drain. I do think it will be another 9-12 months if not longer!

Heron management is the worst and the amount of stress is not worth it. RUN RUN as fast as you can from this company. Everyone is know on the CINV is just waiting for the company to sell so they can CASH $$$$ out and leave. I don't know one person who is happy here.

Heron management is the worst and the amount of stress is not worth it. RUN RUN as fast as you can from this company. Everyone is know on the CINV is just waiting for the company to sell so they can CASH $$$$ out and leave. I don't know one person who is happy here.

Wish we would just line up a buyer with decent offer contingent on FDA approval. Waiting another year to hire reps and launch this product will be hell. Would love to get the hell outta here!

Honestly, mistakes like this can ruin companies. You simply cannot make bonehead filing mistakes when FDA resubmissions take a year to do over. A YEAR! Plus this is our main product, no one cares about CINVANTI. Screw up the easy stuff and EVERYONE gets f’ed badly. The employees, the new reps, plus stock is worthless. Let’s hire some competent people this time around!

Lots of comments regarding who we have recently hired and are these hires the right fit. In retrospect, I think you need to go back farther. For example, why did we hire a MD who lost their license?
This goes back over a couple of years.

Lots of comments regarding who we have recently hired and are these hires the right fit. In retrospect, I think you need to go back farther. For example, why did we hire a MD who lost their license?
This goes back over a couple of years.

This company has a long history of incompetence. If there is a way to screw it up, we’ll find it.