Talk about an overpaid employee! For what, a glorified cafeteria worker. No wonder Merck is cutting across the board. Time to trim the fat.
And yes, having a car is a perk. You don't pay what you would have to pay if it was your own car. So, stop your whining. And you can use it for personal use.
The whiners here are just like the union abusers in the car industry and our gov't services. Always crying that they don't have enough.
Shut up and do your job.
Absolutely true, except for the "Shut up and do your job" idiocy. I don't think the $124K guy was crying about anything; he was disgusted with Merck and had the decency to tell them what he thought. Of course, I'm sure Merck put him on the "hit list" and targeted him for removal, which is how he got to that point of frustration. It takes character to walk away from $124K and 15 years of career based on principle. Good for him. Shame on Merck...yet again. We should all dump this evil. manipoulative pig of en employer.