Ready to get "re-badged" and loose 1/2 your spepration package?

Talk about an overpaid employee! For what, a glorified cafeteria worker. No wonder Merck is cutting across the board. Time to trim the fat.

And yes, having a car is a perk. You don't pay what you would have to pay if it was your own car. So, stop your whining. And you can use it for personal use.

The whiners here are just like the union abusers in the car industry and our gov't services. Always crying that they don't have enough.

Shut up and do your job.

Absolutely true, except for the "Shut up and do your job" idiocy. I don't think the $124K guy was crying about anything; he was disgusted with Merck and had the decency to tell them what he thought. Of course, I'm sure Merck put him on the "hit list" and targeted him for removal, which is how he got to that point of frustration. It takes character to walk away from $124K and 15 years of career based on principle. Good for him. Shame on Merck...yet again. We should all dump this evil. manipoulative pig of en employer.

Talk about an overpaid employee! For what, a glorified cafeteria worker. No wonder Merck is cutting across the board. Time to trim the fat.

And yes, having a car is a perk. You don't pay what you would have to pay if it was your own car. So, stop your whining. And you can use it for personal use.

The whiners here are just like the union abusers in the car industry and our gov't services. Always crying that they don't have enough.

Shut up and do your job.

I will agree that many of the 20 plus years Merck reps are over the top in salary, but they are few. Most of us are making what most industries pay and its far below those with the 20 year bloated incomes. For anyone with a grad level education the income here can actually be lower than other industries.

As for the car its a tool that we need and few people I know would want to drive like the hell we do all day long. We pay more on the company car each month than I pay for my wifes current lease and monthly insurance payment. As far as personal use in case you dont know it using a company car for too much personal driving (yes we have a low personal cap allowance) monthly is very costly....check it out....I got hit big with one summer vacation when we drove out of state for vacation. I will never do it again. Its a lot cheaper to fly and rent a car.

So much for your rambling. Now go find some other more worthwhile thing to do...

I am a retiree with a "bloated income". During my tenure (golden age of pharma, 1980-2000), we increased sales for key products 15%/year. Thus we made money the old fashioned way-we earned it. If you average it out to sales/employee we still come out way ahead of you guys even if you include about half the non sales people in the denominator.

yeah you earned money the old fashioned way....first and second gen products, rarely the competition and little generics. c'mon...many busting their a$$ now are just as "great" as you were...go take your laxative.

yeah you earned money the old fashioned way....first and second gen products, rarely the competition and little generics. c'mon...many busting their a$$ now are just as "great" as you were...go take your laxative.

We always have had competition even though some of our products were first in class.

Vasotec - Capoten was in the market already.
Indocin, Dolobid - Pfizer had Feldene, Upjohn has Motrin and docs loved Naprosyn.
Mefoxin - Lilly had Mandol already in the market.
Pepcid - SKF had Tagamet and Glaxo had Zantac well entrenched.
Tmoptic - soon after Betoptic came out too.

We fought many formulary battles as reps. Do you know how to fight a formulary battle?

Okay, I will go take my laxative.

Absolutely true, except for the "Shut up and do your job" idiocy. I don't think the $124K guy was crying about anything; he was disgusted with Merck and had the decency to tell them what he thought. Of course, I'm sure Merck put him on the "hit list" and targeted him for removal, which is how he got to that point of frustration. It takes character to walk away from $124K and 15 years of career based on principle. Good for him. Shame on Merck...yet again. We should all dump this evil. manipulative pig of en employer.

Most of the "$124K" reps that I know work extra hard knowing it should be that way to earn their pay. The managers keep telling them to shut up and follow the party line. They would explore new ways to get more sales and the managers insisted to do it this or that way only. I still cannot believe how many of these conscientious, self motivating, highly independent reps were the first to get laid off. They were leaders. Their only crime may be they would respectfully disagree with their managers about stupid directives.

Most of the "$124K" reps that I know work extra hard knowing it should be that way to earn their pay. The managers keep telling them to shut up and follow the party line. They would explore new ways to get more sales and the managers insisted to do it this or that way only. I still cannot believe how many of these conscientious, self motivating, highly independent reps were the first to get laid off. They were leaders. Their only crime may be they would respectfully disagree with their managers about stupid directives.

Who knows more about the territory business? The rep, hands down.

Most of the "$124K" reps that I know work extra hard knowing it should be that way to earn their pay. The managers keep telling them to shut up and follow the party line. They would explore new ways to get more sales and the managers insisted to do it this or that way only. I still cannot believe how many of these conscientious, self motivating, highly independent reps were the first to get laid off. They were leaders. Their only crime may be they would respectfully disagree with their managers about stupid directives.

More of these reps got pushed out than laid off. Jerck & Co. did their best to hide that, but it's happened and is happening everywhere.

More of these reps got pushed out than laid off. Jerck & Co. did their best to hide that, but it's happened and is happening everywhere.

In my circle the earlier casualties were forced out with PIP's. Then the first round of layoff started and that, along with PIP's, were used to further eliminate more of those independent minded reps. If what I am saying is correct, what we have left then are reps too afraid to speak up, or speak the company line by choice or by coercion only. Reps with creative ideas and talents and still with Merck are keeping their thoughts to themselves for job security. I really miss those days when my manager would say, "That's an interesting idea and let's give it a try." versus now, "Well, good idea but does it bring sales in today?"

In my circle the earlier casualties were forced out with PIP's. Then the first round of layoff started and that, along with PIP's, were used to further eliminate more of those independent minded reps. If what I am saying is correct, what we have left then are reps too afraid to speak up, or speak the company line by choice or by coercion only. Reps with creative ideas and talents and still with Merck are keeping their thoughts to themselves for job security. I really miss those days when my manager would say, "That's an interesting idea and let's give it a try." versus now, "Well, good idea but does it bring sales in today?"

What is now really sad is that a good rep being handed a PIP can happen....and that rep who now gets laid off will probably have an even tougher time with getting a new job because of it. To hand someone with a history of achievement and who you know is a hard and dedicated worker a PIP without a very serious reason seems totally unfair.

What is now really sad is that a good rep being handed a PIP can happen....and that rep who now gets laid off will probably have an even tougher time with getting a new job because of it. To hand someone with a history of achievement and who you know is a hard and dedicated worker a PIP without a very serious reason seems totally unfair.

the statement should read 'was' a hard and dedicated worker.

Tough luck if you get a PIP. But, you should have known this was all coming. You thought you were 'special' and that this business was 'fair.' It isn't. It is just business. The business is to make money and sales jobs are not needed anymore. Profits have been and always will be the driving force.

Time to move on.

Most of the "$124K" reps that I know work extra hard knowing it should be that way to earn their pay. The managers keep telling them to shut up and follow the party line. They would explore new ways to get more sales and the managers insisted to do it this or that way only. I still cannot believe how many of these conscientious, self motivating, highly independent reps were the first to get laid off. They were leaders. Their only crime may be they would respectfully disagree with their managers about stupid directives.

Sometimes I just have to check in from home to see what is going on. I am a Merck Manager on the East coast. I can tell you one all one thing today. I have two SR. EX's on my team, both making above $119,000 range. I work their living ASS!!! off to make sure they earn every penny of it.

Sometimes I just have to check in from home to see what is going on. I am a Merck Manager on the East coast. I can tell you one all one thing today. I have two SR. EX's on my team, both making above $119,000 range. I work their living ASS!!! off to make sure they earn every penny of it.

You are the manager that probably leaves MVX's on the weekends and calls your reps from the field constantly. Micro managing does little but help you sleep at night.

This doesn't sound right. You will get severed from Merck who can offer no guarantee of continuing employment with the outsourcing contractor. You will be offered a position at the outsourcing contractor contingent on accepting a portion of what you are entitled to from your severance? I think that these are two separate transactions. You should still get your full severance which, by the way, is not pay or a gift but compensation for building towards retirement and end-of-service benefits offfered in good faith so that you do not drag the process through the legal system. I would bet that the severance from the contractor is exactly zero once you start. Were Merck in collusion with the outsourcing contractor as your description suggests, they might just as well pay you off at 1/2 package and get the outsourcer to lay you off the next day for nothing. And then hire back anyone at market rates. Typically moving off to a contractor you will get your severance first , and you sign a contract with the contractor that keeps you whole as far as your salary and health insurance for a contract period - often 12 months. After that it's anybody's guess what you can command. This gives assurance that the contractor can supply the trained labor through the transition period.

You are wrong about severance, it is exactly a gift; it has nothing to do with retirement, as you have already done this via retirement plan, and 401k if you are smart. Merck does not owe you one single dime in severance. Your comment epitomizes the stereotype of the whiney self entitled rep, who does litlle and gets much, but just refuses to realize it. Think about it, while you were needed, you supposedly worked, and were well compensated. Now that you are not needed, the company doesnt make you work, but pays you handsomely as a parting gift. Bottomline, you will be getting lots of money, while doing no work. OOps, Im sorry, that the life of n employed rep.

Sometimes I just have to check in from home to see what is going on. I am a Merck Manager on the East coast. I can tell you one all one thing today. I have two SR. EX's on my team, both making above $119,000 range. I work their living ASS!!! off to make sure they earn every penny of it.

Yeah, calling at 4:45 pm and pretend you just want to check in? Mine too when I was at a late appointment. Spill any blood lately? Sleeping well pretending you are serving a purpose as a coach? Or as an executioner? BTW, Mr. Pseudo Manager, a good rep is self motivating. He/she does not need you to work his/her ass off to earn their pays. You have a trust issue. Perhaps you were a crappy lazy rep before?

Sometimes I just have to check in from home to see what is going on. I am a Merck Manager on the East coast. I can tell you one all one thing today. I have two SR. EX's on my team, both making above $119,000 range. I work their living ASS!!! off to make sure they earn every penny of it.

You may not be doing this for much longer....expect many CTL's to be laid off very soon....hopefully you're one of them.

You are wrong about severance, it is exactly a gift; it has nothing to do with retirement, as you have already done this via retirement plan, and 401k if you are smart. Merck does not owe you one single dime in severance. Your comment epitomizes the stereotype of the whiney self entitled rep, who does litlle and gets much, but just refuses to realize it. Think about it, while you were needed, you supposedly worked, and were well compensated. Now that you are not needed, the company doesnt make you work, but pays you handsomely as a parting gift. Bottomline, you will be getting lots of money, while doing no work. OOps, Im sorry, that the life of n employed rep.

Sad but true. Merck could force you out with a PIP. This bribe, called severance package, is a way to silence you by signing the paper saying you are not going to sue them while accepting this offer. May as well take it. Many in other industries simply get fired with nothing like a severance package at all.