RD's Fate Rolled out Today

Impressions can be biased if you don't have an open mind to a great manager. Hence the situation here! Great manager surrounded by closed minded, biased, trouble making people who were jealous of his success. He is and will be ok trust that. The guy was a planner and has a great supportive wife at home, and that everyone can't say they have.

Impressions can be biased if you don't have an open mind to a great manager. Hence the situation here! Great manager surrounded by closed minded, biased, trouble making people who were jealous of his success. He is and will be ok trust that. The guy was a planner and has a great supportive wife at home, and that everyone can't say they have.

Thanks Grayhek...I am glad you have a great wife buddy

Thats not Grahek BUDDY. He doesn't need to be on here himself BUDDY. He has supporters behind him. For the record he had a great region with great reps who supported him, hence the reason he was doing well.

Im sure he is a great guy and of course we should all feel bad for him.
That is a different issue than saying he was a good RD. He was not in good standing, if he was he would still be here. Unlike reps, we WILL keep RDs that are good through this re-org.
And for whoever posted that those who have the brains, balls, and NUMBERS to be considered for RD positions, you are part of the same problem that created this. A good ZD realizes that good rep #s should have nothing to do with wether you will make a good RD or not. If thjs was the case every one in Texas/ Louisianna would be a great RD, right?
What you fail to realize is that doesnt say anything bad about EG. He js a good person and definately deserved better. Totty did him a disservice by making him an RD and he did it exactly for the reason you stated, he was a Texas rep with great #s.

LOL!!!! Really why are you so caught up on Eric and his so called you don't have proof of corporate plan. Focus on the fact that we are all on a corporate plan at this point!
Eric was laid off like many more of us may be. when you go to bed tonight say a good prayer whoever you are because today is just the beginning of everyones corporate plan!

It's okay Grayhek...why were you on a corporate plan then?

Talk about a pussy. So funny to see people talk shit on a website, you're probably just a hater that got let go or fired or never was promoted so now you're angry at everyone that did better than you in life. You're the same guy that goes and protests in front of Sallie Mae cause you don't want to pay back your student loans. The same person that feels like just because you have a college degree you're entitled to a six figure job.
Go occupy Wallstreet and tell your mommy and daddy how mad you are that you didn't get to where you wanted to be in your career. Hate on everyone else for your lack of success. You sir/ma'am are a loser.
Eric was a great dude and did a great job, he wasn't let go for being a bad manager. He was let go because we are going through a "restructure" you fucking moron.

Talk about a pussy. So funny to see people talk shit on a website, you're probably just a hater that got let go or fired or never was promoted so now you're angry at everyone that did better than you in life. You're the same guy that goes and protests in front of Sallie Mae cause you don't want to pay back your student loans. The same person that feels like just because you have a college degree you're entitled to a six figure job.
Go occupy Wallstreet and tell your mommy and daddy how mad you are that you didn't get to where you wanted to be in your career. Hate on everyone else for your lack of success. You sir/ma'am are a loser.
Eric was a great dude and did a great job, he wasn't let go for being a bad manager. He was let go because we are going through a "restructure" you fucking moron.

Thanks for clarifying all of this Grahek! Have a good night!

Talk about a pussy. So funny to see people talk shit on a website, you're probably just a hater that got let go or fired or never was promoted so now you're angry at everyone that did better than you in life. You're the same guy that goes and protests in front of Sallie Mae cause you don't want to pay back your student loans. The same person that feels like just because you have a college degree you're entitled to a six figure job.
Go occupy Wallstreet and tell your mommy and daddy how mad you are that you didn't get to where you wanted to be in your career. Hate on everyone else for your lack of success. You sir/ma'am are a loser.
Eric was a great dude and did a great job, he wasn't let go for being a bad manager. He was let go because we are going through a "restructure" you fucking moron.

Lol. When the dust settles you come back and tell me which RDs were "laid off" and we will see how many of them did a "great job". I will tell you right now, none. And as far as proof of a plan? Ask him where he was last spring. I will give you that answer too, he was suspended. But Shire probably suspends all their GREAT RDs a year before they "lay them off" right?
And holy crap with all the political accusations, it wasnt me who you responded to but you need to take a pill or something. Got some pent up aggression there.

My RD is no longer an RD but took a role calling on small managed care companies with Shire. Did no one else's RD's tell them their job status? Why is everyone's RD so secretive right now?

My RD is no longer an RD but took a role calling on small managed care companies with Shire. Did no one else's RD's tell them their job status? Why is everyone's RD so secretive right now?

I call your bluff on this one...no RD in their right mind would risk their job to tell you about their status if they were told to keep their mouths shut...this post is false

Word is Illinois is going to get hit really bad too since Illinois Medicaid has never approved Vyvavse on IDPA. This is 1 of the largest Medicaid plans in the country that we don't even have an ounce of access to so reps with high Illionois Medicaid need to worry unfortunately.

Please do not speak ill of Erik Grahek. This news is very sad for him and his family and everyone should be reaching out to those who are affected by this reorganization. He was a good manager to the Orlando Team and will be missed.

Grahek was not a good RD or a good person. He constantly bullied and threatened the reps on his team until HR stepped in last summer. The only reason he wasn't fired sooner was to prevent a class action suit from his team. Good bye Grahek. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Grahek was not a good RD or a good person. He constantly bullied and threatened the reps on his team until HR stepped in last summer. The only reason he wasn't fired sooner was to prevent a class action suit from his team. Good bye Grahek. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Sounds like a male version of G Arrigo Wilson

Talk about a pussy. So funny to see people talk shit on a website, you're probably just a hater that got let go or fired or never was promoted so now you're angry at everyone that did better than you in life. You're the same guy that goes and protests in front of Sallie Mae cause you don't want to pay back your student loans. The same person that feels like just because you have a college degree you're entitled to a six figure job.
Go occupy Wallstreet and tell your mommy and daddy how mad you are that you didn't get to where you wanted to be in your career. Hate on everyone else for your lack of success. You sir/ma'am are a loser.
Eric was a great dude and did a great job, he wasn't let go for being a bad manager. He was let go because we are going through a "restructure" you fucking moron.

Hey I am out west and didn't know Eric but I agree with everything you said.