Rater Training

Amy Veroff has been removed as head of rater training group at i3 due to poor management. The group is now back as part of the CRO and a new person was brought in to head it.

She is a lunatic who could not manage her group, its finances or track their business properly. She never did have capabilities to even get the CNTB going. Just ask Don Connor- he was let go and hopefully is back in academia successfully.

I have waited before posting--actually several months. I was at i3. I knew the group...and Veroff. There is substance to the allegations. I cannot speak to the scope of that substance but she was reported in to the regulatory compliance group on at least one occasion. I know because I was the reporter. What is stated above actually appears to be a separate incident so I can't comment directly about that one, but it would be consistent.
As for Veroff's management style, it is regrettable but true that she was a terrible manager--I would rather not say how bad--just very bad

It has been drawn to my attention that my name was used in an earlier post without my knowledge. Since this has been brought up to me several times over the years I just want to correct the perception. I left a directorship at an excellent research center to work at i3 because I thought they were a superb group and I was impressed with Amy's drive and vision. I have great respect for Amy's intelligence and skills. While we did not always agree, it was always an intellectual disagreement and I think we both got something out of the discussions and always came away with mutual respect. I also have nothing but good impressions of the others I worked with there, most being PhDs and Master's degree level, who I believe are now working for Inventive Health and cogstate (?). I was only at i3 a short time as I was let go as part of the sale of the division and have no hard feelings towards anyone. I have no current relationship with any of the previously-know-as-i3 group. I appreciate the good wishes from the person who previously posted.
Don Connor