Rare Disease/Rett Syndrome

Regional account manager postings are listed.

Any inside info on their rare disease BU? It's the first rare product, so that's the appealing thing for me.
Yes, this company sucks. They all do. I come from an equally sucky one as well. Any other info is welcome.

What are benefits like? Do you pay a lot for your insurance?
Anyone have more than the typical 3 weeks starting vacation?
What do they offer as far as RSUs? I'm sure you will complain, but where I'm at, that doesn't exist at all.
Salary/bonus averages?
Company car or stipend?

Can anyone share what the base salary range is for the Neuroscience reps that will be selling for Rett Syndrome? Have first interview coming up and don’t want to waste my time if base salary sucks!

Can anyone share what the base salary range is for the Neuroscience reps that will be selling for Rett Syndrome? Have first interview coming up and don’t want to waste my time if base salary sucks!
neuroscience reps won't be selling Rett. The sales jobs have not even been posted yet. You'll be selling Nuplazid