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Rare Disease Hunger Games


“Hope. It is the only thing stronger than fear.”

We will soon be battling against each other to remain in the game. Unless nobody is left to play. Many have escaped to freedom already from this needlessly cruel game. All for a new shiny “leadership” badge from our new Carole, Seneca Crane.

“Hope. It is the only thing stronger than fear.”

We will soon be battling against each other to remain in the game. Unless nobody is left to play. Many have escaped to freedom already from this needlessly cruel game. All for a new shiny “leadership” badge from our new Carole, Seneca Crane.
May the odds be in your favor. It's been a rough year for rare. I'm so sorry that this is the course the company has chosen to take rather than just doing lay offs. Seems so heartless when everyone seems to believe "they" already know who will remain. Give it your best go. I hope that somehow whatever is pieced together after this is a place people want to work because there were some great people on the former team. Interesting how the TLL role was completely demolished. Why didn't they just say they made a mistake and it should have never been in rare? Now we all pay the price.

It blows my mind that Sanofi is focusing on Rare to save money. Take a look at Dupixent! You have 200+ FRM’s functioning as sales people for market share. Pare that in half and you will save 17 million dollars and save the rare positions! Hell, Regeneron has another 200 FRM’s for that one drug! Why in the hell do you need that many FRM’s for a prescription benefit drug that will pull through without anyone touching it???? Dupixent makes you $30,000 a year, a rare specialty drug makes you a million/year!!! What am I missing????

It blows my mind that Sanofi is focusing on Rare to save money. Take a look at Dupixent! You have 200+ FRM’s functioning as sales people for market share. Pare that in half and you will save 17 million dollars and save the rare positions! Hell, Regeneron has another 200 FRM’s for that one drug! Why in the hell do you need that many FRM’s for a prescription benefit drug that will pull through without anyone touching it???? Dupixent makes you $30,000 a year, a rare specialty drug makes you a million/year!!! What am I missing????
If we are going to talk about saving money why not just start with the Olympics

An implosion out of nowhere. We are all just stunned and sad. Now hearing replacing good marketing people from outside. Which means they will do same with ABMs. Flee everyone flee.

We are as fast as we can. So many of us are interviewing we are going for same jobs but we laugh and say that’s what they are making us do here so why not. Maybe that’s what they want.

It blows my mind that Sanofi is focusing on Rare to save money. Take a look at Dupixent! You have 200+ FRM’s functioning as sales people for market share. Pare that in half and you will save 17 million dollars and save the rare positions! Hell, Regeneron has another 200 FRM’s for that one drug! Why in the hell do you need that many FRM’s for a prescription benefit drug that will pull through without anyone touching it???? Dupixent makes you $30,000 a year, a rare specialty drug makes you a million/year!!! What am I missing????
You’re missing the amount of patients in Dupi and the fact that RX benefit drugs don’t “pull through themselves.” You’re also missing that they’re focusing big time on PSS in dupi which includes the FRM team

You’re missing the amount of patients in Dupi and the fact that RX benefit drugs don’t “pull through themselves.” You’re also missing that they’re focusing big time on PSS in dupi which includes the FRM team
The amount of patients is correct! The FRM team is nothing more than market share and overpaid sales folks. And I’m assuming you are on the Dupixent team which tells me you have no idea what it takes to pull through a medical/buy and bill patient in rare disease! PSS is just there to do a half ass job at copay support and enroll the thousands of Dupixent patients into the Pap program.

Raj likes to keep his people informed even though the downfall of the entire team was the launch of TLL concept. On top of adding an unnecessary team, they spent money like drunken sailors "entertaining" and limiting access that sales people should have had you know, to SELL.

Was really shocked to hear DG refer to very successful colleagues are "mediocre" and they might be best finding something else because they will be met with "severance". Where does this bizarre mindset come from? From a franchise that has blown away business year after year with therapies that have significant competition, I feel like I'm in the twilight zone listening to this weirdo.

DG sounds like she has a Hitler mindset. Everyone out for themselves and cut anyone's throat to get ahead. Clearly doesn't understand teamwork in a complex matrix environment. Where did this moron come from?

said in Hunger Games movie… “I am more than just a piece in their games”

Now we rise up. They shouldn’t have taken us for granted. Severance is coming and so are resignations. Rise up people. It is time.

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