
Think about all the stooges that sit behind those conference tables. Most of them our JC buddies including our new CS department head. If you don't think numbers are adjusted based on friendship or drinking buddies, you must be a total fool.

Think about all the stooges that sit behind those conference tables. Most of them our JC buddies including our new CS department head. If you don't think numbers are adjusted based on friendship or drinking buddies, you must be a total fool.

Well, now you know what to get me for Christmas. A bottle of Jack and your numbers won't look so pathetic either.


You pegged it. Im one jealous mother fucker. Do yourself a favor Einstein, go thru the monthly rankings and see who was at the bottom and suddenly is up in the upper tiers. Then ask yourself another question, how can these individuals have that much growth while we continue to have major inventory issues? In between picking the hairs between your teeth, you'll realize numbers had been adjusted and not credited to hard work.

Why are you so worried about others?
Do other reps sell your product in your territory?
Do you feel undervalued?
Does it really matter that some situations are unfair?

Life isn't fair
People out there are going to have it worse than you and other will have it better than you
Here is a crazy, almost insane idea

Work hard and enjoy what you do and remember you probably make more money than 90% of Americans

I bet you that your Latte from Starbucks tastes even better tomorrow morning in your BMW and your designer suit - but your right life sucks and its unfair

Then why do PC if it is not going to be fair.
Why are the ones not selling INR getting the lowest quota's for it? Great idea, dont sell it and you wont get a quota for it.

Why are you so worried about others?
Do other reps sell your product in your territory?
Do you feel undervalued?
Does it really matter that some situations are unfair?

Life isn't fair
People out there are going to have it worse than you and other will have it better than you
Here is a crazy, almost insane idea

Work hard and enjoy what you do and remember you probably make more money than 90% of Americans

I bet you that your Latte from Starbucks tastes even better tomorrow morning in your BMW and your designer suit - but your right life sucks and its unfair

Lets review your comments Einstein -

What I believe is unfair is that these current clowns in management have the gaul to set numbers and hold us to the fire when we have continued to be in a SEVERE backorder. In fact, our RSD claims our status will not change until end of 1QTR. So yes, I along with others are somewhat pissed that the playing field is a tad unfair. Especially, when their response is "increase each physician's mcot order by 3 per month". Seriously? You don't think our competition recognizes these delays and will soon capitalize converting our accounts? Hell, we can't even sign on any new accounts due to this shortage. Good luck getting that approved by Major Nelson.

You think the majority of our sales force is working full tilt these days? Why would they? All of us are receiving calls everyday with complaints of patient delays along with the in-house inventory. Guaranteed, 60% of sales force is already begun their holiday shutdown.

So please don't get on your high horse and compare our saleries vs everyone else. You should have compared what some of these idiots are making in the CN oval office. God knows they've done nothing to earn those extra shares of stock.

But Im assuming your territory is running at 100% due to all the ball licking you've performed over the past year. I'm sure your also that same individual who is always the first one heard on the CC's followed up with some lame email to either to the major or AB stroking them on the wonderful QTR we had.

At least I can look in the mirror and realize thats toothpaste on my lips. Whats your excuse

The new metrics for the fourth quarter now include "monitors not shipped."
So, don't be worried your practices don't get monitors. You will be compensated
with this new metric! It now carries a PC weighting of 50%!

Maybe you are just jealous that you don't know how to play the game as well as others. I personally know of multiple top tier ae's who have asked for reductions and have had the door slammed in their face. You dont know all you think you know
They should show us growth top reps have done for the year so everyone knows what it takes. Show QR for jan- oct so everyone can see the significant growth top reps have achieved. I bet most have doubled QRs for the year.

It is very strange that there was no change in PC ranking from Mar-Apr time frame? How does everyone win PC that early in the year? Look at the top reps they are the same at the beginning of the year.

It is very strange that there was no change in PC ranking from Mar-Apr time frame? How does everyone win PC that early in the year? Look at the top reps they are the same at the beginning of the year.

You have remember the history if you want to understand it. Keep in mind that the first 2 quarters of this year were built off actual sales from the last 2 quarters of last year so anyone who had a weak finish to 2013 was given a clear headstart this year. Q3 was supposedly a layup for some who were bitching about poor payouts and Q4 was built off of Q3 forecast not actual sales. They need to come up with a consistent method of developing forecasts and then stick with it. Only then will you see people making moves within the rankings