this is completely wrong, where did you get these facts? I've studies their algorithm's when they approached me for a position (I ultimately did not take it). Their WARAD algorithm trumps PVARP anyday. Their SafeR is pretty cool too, it has a different algorithm for all types of heart block. So to say that they don't dectect VT/VF or SVT and Fib (WARAD destroys Fib) blows my mind.
Maybe i'm wrong here, but please shoot me some facts because what i understand they have really good technology, they just suck at marketing
Their technology sucks. Seriously. 2 reps in my region have been called to cases where Sorin was implanting ICD, induced patient, and the device failed to sense VF. Our can went in, induced, sensed, shocked, so not a lead issue. This has happened more than once. Wonder if they sent the can back? Guessing they billed for it and threw it in the trash, which is where it should have gone in the first place.