haughey gets a promotion after losing cases that cost par over $300M yes 300 million

pc is ok but needs to brush up on mgt 101 and get costs in generics down to competitor levels so par is no longer the highest cost producer in the generic space

watson is undercutting par at every turn as PAR CONTINUES TO OFFER THE HIGHEST SALARIES AND MOST GENEROUS FRINGE BENEFIT PACKAGES IN THE WORLD while productivity continues to LAG for both generics and strativa

le pore is looting the treasure before p cos / rw boot him out

meanwhile expect pay reductions fringe givebacks before foreign ownership occurs

it is long overdue and saves our jobs

2 years ago par had 100% of the toprol market, now 30% and falling and there are numerous other examples


we are not a low cost producer, costs including employee salaries and benefits are too damm high and par can not compete

to save jobs we have to do givebacks BIG TIME

2 years ago par had 100% of the toprol market, now 30% and falling and there are numerous other examples


we are not a low cost producer, costs including employee salaries and benefits are too damm high and par can not compete

to save jobs we have to do givebacks BIG TIME

Par had 100% because other generics were pulled from the market. Now we have competition from other generics. Current share is respectable dummy.

2 years ago par had 100% of the toprol market, now 30% and falling and there are numerous other examples


we are not a low cost producer, costs including employee salaries and benefits are too damm high and par can not compete

to save jobs we have to do givebacks BIG TIME

The loss of significant market share is a disgrace and represents poor management at par. Cutbacks and salary and benefit reductions are long overdue at this country club.

and for less pay, no bonus and few fringes. Goodbye holiday shutdowns

More pay, more vacation, xmas shut down, better health insurance, cheaper monthly personal use for company car, better management (they also have this at McDonalds), drugs that are needed, geez the list could go on and on but the point is the world outside of Strativa is nice....

management is weak and ineffective but have shareholders fooled

now generics is following the lead of the troubled strativa division. generics cost structure is far too high and watson and soon mylan will eat par's lunch. par is just not competitive and market share continues too fall. par has too many managers, a bloated and overpaid senior mgt group and the indians at the bottom are treated like royalty with generous pay and benefits and bonuses granted based upon easy targets. in all a disfunctional culture from nj and outwards

now generics is following the lead of the troubled strativa division. generics cost structure is far too high and watson and soon mylan will eat par's lunch. par is just not competitive and market share continues too fall. par has too many managers, a bloated and overpaid senior mgt group and the indians at the bottom are treated like royalty with generous pay and benefits and bonuses granted based upon easy targets. in all a disfunctional culture from nj and outwards

and no biosimilar program, the future of generics