6+ years with the company and never once has a single moment presented itself in which Pat Mahaffy impressed myself or anyone around me from the office
Pat is unfortunately terrible, corrupt, entitled, and willing to rob, cheat, and steal just to take a few bucks for himself regardless of who those bucks come at the expense of
Slightly less than 4 years for me, we had something like 50,000,000 shares outstanding when I started with the company. Yahoo Finance is currently showing 130,000,000 shares now and only 55,000,000 shares exactly two years ago. This is insanity, we will never make a cent. It is so unbelievably awful that even our latest RSU with the lowest exercise prices imaginable are worthless.
Do the people that are listed as our directors actually exist in terms of actions tied to those positions beyond receiving their payments as “directors”? Obviously they are all people that Pat hand picked and he knows he can execute any broke ass clueless vision that he dreams up, but damn he isn’t capable and hasn’t been in a long long time.
That hasn’t stopped him from handing himself annual raises though and nearly $10,000,000 in salary and bonuses during this stretch in which he successfully navigated our company’s value from $5,000,0000,000+ all the way down below a market cap that is currently LESS THAN 8% OF OUR VALUE JUST 4 YEARS AGO. We have a CEO that has failed in every sense with every measure and is a seriously deranged, disgusting criminal financial slob on top of it.
The guy loses more than five billion dollars of other people’s money and is so proud of himself that he goes to his ski mansion for the entire month of December to celebrate. What a criminal joke, shame on you Pat, shame on you.