R.I.P Pat

The guy was a pile of human excrement that did nothing but pillage our company for his own benefit despite running it into the ground. Glad he is done on this planet because his actions were beyond evil and cost everyone at the company and everyone that foolishly believed Pat wouldn’t stay a criminal forever as they watched their investments lose value every single year.

6+ years with the company and never once has a single moment presented itself in which Pat Mahaffy impressed myself or anyone around me from the office

Pat is unfortunately terrible, corrupt, entitled, and willing to rob, cheat, and steal just to take a few bucks for himself regardless of who those bucks come at the expense of
The guy was a pile of human excrement that did nothing but pillage our company for his own benefit despite running it into the ground. Glad he is done on this planet because his actions were beyond evil and cost everyone at the company and everyone that foolishly believed Pat wouldn’t stay a criminal forever as they watched their investments lose value every single year.

Unfortunately far too late as CLVS was slaughtered years ago courtesy of Pat and his many failures, none of which ever stopped him from taking as much money for himself as he could stuff in his pockets
6+ years with the company and never once has a single moment presented itself in which Pat Mahaffy impressed myself or anyone around me from the office

Pat is unfortunately terrible, corrupt, entitled, and willing to rob, cheat, and steal just to take a few bucks for himself regardless of who those bucks come at the expense of

Slightly less than 4 years for me, we had something like 50,000,000 shares outstanding when I started with the company. Yahoo Finance is currently showing 130,000,000 shares now and only 55,000,000 shares exactly two years ago. This is insanity, we will never make a cent. It is so unbelievably awful that even our latest RSU with the lowest exercise prices imaginable are worthless.

Do the people that are listed as our directors actually exist in terms of actions tied to those positions beyond receiving their payments as “directors”? Obviously they are all people that Pat hand picked and he knows he can execute any broke ass clueless vision that he dreams up, but damn he isn’t capable and hasn’t been in a long long time.

That hasn’t stopped him from handing himself annual raises though and nearly $10,000,000 in salary and bonuses during this stretch in which he successfully navigated our company’s value from $5,000,0000,000+ all the way down below a market cap that is currently LESS THAN 8% OF OUR VALUE JUST 4 YEARS AGO. We have a CEO that has failed in every sense with every measure and is a seriously deranged, disgusting criminal financial slob on top of it.

The guy loses more than five billion dollars of other people’s money and is so proud of himself that he goes to his ski mansion for the entire month of December to celebrate. What a criminal joke, shame on you Pat, shame on you.
New year, same old lame trolls in the Clovis thread spreading misinformation and inflammatory thread titles.

OP- seems like you have a personal vendetta against Pat. That's fine, he's a bad CEO, the stock sucks, but other than that not much going on here.

Wake up, Pat was a freaking criminal that deserved every round they used. The guy was an awful crook that stole from all of us that have worked at this company without ever knowing that Pat was pillaging it for his own benefit while preventing a sale for years through extraordinary dilution of our stock that guaranteed all of our RSU would always be worthless as others have stated on here. Mahaffy deserved to be dropped like that because his actions were evil.
The guy was a pile of human excrement that did nothing but pillage our company for his own benefit despite running it into the ground. Glad he is done on this planet because his actions were beyond evil and cost everyone at the company and everyone that foolishly believed Pat wouldn’t stay a criminal forever as they watched their investments lose value every single year.

Pat will receive exactly what he deserves. He is an ignorant buffoon to think he could steal from certain people and not have his card punched, and that of his daughters. Messages are getting sent, Pat should not have done what he did with the company stock.
Unfortunately far too late as CLVS was slaughtered years ago courtesy of Pat and his many failures, none of which ever stopped him from taking as much money for himself as he could stuff in his pockets through criminal kickbacks disguised as “capital raising dilution events”, aka letting his short position buddies out at the very bottom to maximize their profits while charging shareholders even more in losses with the dilution of a bazillion new shares. Pat Mahaffy is a criminal, period.
Good thing Mahaffy destroyed every penny of value that we had before he was properly addressed with the consequences of his actions. Play stupid games, Win stupid prizes, that is what Mahaffy did that led to his end. How a person could so ignorantly think they could cost people billions and billions of dollars and actually keep breathing is far beyond what any rational person would believe so clearly Mahaffy was an intoxicated drug addict that earned that ending with his criminal actions. Adios to that pathetic piece of trashcrap.

———-> Now this above comment is PRICELESS because you posted it after the group of us had this discussion, including some EXACT quotes. Mahaffy is the worst and we all played stupid games by coming here and made it worse by staying here. Clovis Oncology is a landfill fire because of one person, Pat Mahaffy.
This would be the best news imaginable. The billions and billions that Mahaffy has cost everyone can never and will never be recovered/returned. Meanwhile our scumbag “leader” takes the most egregious comp package in the industry when comparing his endless list of failures to those paychecks. Mahaffy lies, lies some more, destroys all of the value in the company, and still thinks he has earned millions of dollars per year. What a joke, we all hate you Pat and despise working here. Thanks for sabotaging the sale asshole.
This would be the best news imaginable. The billions and billions that Mahaffy has cost everyone can never and will never be recovered/returned. Meanwhile our scumbag “leader” takes the most egregious comp package in the industry when comparing his endless list of failures to those paychecks. Mahaffy lies, lies some more, destroys all of the value in the company, and still thinks he has earned millions of dollars per year. What a joke, we all hate you Pat and despise working here. Thanks for sabotaging the sale asshole.
6+ years with the company and never once has a single moment presented itself in which Pat Mahaffy impressed myself or anyone around me from the office

Pat is unfortunately terrible, corrupt, entitled, and willing to rob, cheat, and steal just to take a few bucks for himself regardless of who those bucks come at the expense of

I have only worked at a few other companies in this industry, none were anywhere close to this disastrous. This place is broken in every direction because of Pat and now our stock price means we are broke, LITERALLY.

Screw you Pat and all of your lies. Rot in the flames if you know where for all
of the damage you have done to our careers, our finances, and our futures by refusing to sell the company. Nobody has benefited from this disaster except you and your lack of moral compass combined with your absence of any ethics are why you can walk around here during these last 3+ years as if all is grand.
Pat will receive exactly what he deserves. He is an ignorant buffoon to think he could steal from certain people and not have his card punched, and that of his daughters. Messages are getting sent, Pat should not have done what he did with the company stock. Graham, Azelby, and others have been told what is coming to them as a result of their actions.
Pat will receive exactly what he deserves. He is an ignorant buffoon to think he could steal from certain people and not have his card punched, and that of his daughters. Messages are getting sent, Pat should not have done what he did with the company stock. Graham, Azelby, and others have been told what is coming to them as a result of their actions.
The guy was a pile of human excrement that did nothing but pillage our company for his own benefit despite running it into the ground. Glad he is done on this planet because his actions were beyond evil and cost everyone at the company and everyone that foolishly believed Pat wouldn’t stay a criminal forever as they watched their investments lose value every single year.

Tuesday night
It is brutal to read that message describing the event in scary awful detail. I get it, he suffered a horrific death from the offender’s firearm, but did HR really need to send out such a distasteful email? They could have simply said “we are confirming that he was shot several times in the head/neck and passed away shortly thereafter” the end. Not sure what is accomplished by laying out such graphic details to employees?? Adios Pat, enjoy your forever dirtnap.
Pat will receive exactly what he deserves. He is an ignorant buffoon to think he could steal from certain people and not have his card punched, and that of his daughters. Messages are getting sent, Pat should not have done what he did with the company stock.

See you soon Pat. Hopefully your affairs are in order for your ending.
See you soon Pat. Hopefully your affairs are in order for your ending.

There will be no fond memories for anyone to share. No memorial and no celebration of anything related to the dirtbag. Everyone will celebrate an excruciating painful and suffering filled finish because that is what the major piece of sheeeeet earned.
6+ years with the company and never once has a single moment presented itself in which Pat Mahaffy impressed myself or anyone around me from the office

Pat is unfortunately terrible, corrupt, entitled, and willing to rob, cheat, and steal just to take a few bucks for himself regardless of who those bucks come at the expense of

there will be no peace for him and any residing with him very very soon
Pat will receive exactly what he deserves. He is an ignorant buffoon to think he could steal from certain people and not have his card punched, and that of his daughters. Messages are getting sent, Pat should not have done what he did with the company stock.

Jaguar is a good spot Pat hope you enjoyed your meal be careful though because Miami is extremely dangerous.
6+ years with the company and never once has a single moment presented itself in which Pat Mahaffy impressed myself or anyone around me from the office

Pat is unfortunately terrible, corrupt, entitled, and willing to rob, cheat, and steal just to take a few bucks for himself regardless of who those bucks come at the expense of

What will happen with him is not unfortunate at all. After him there will be more including his family members that benefitted from his crimes. Pat sacrificed them all when he decided to steal billions from investors.