New year, same old lame trolls in the Clovis thread spreading misinformation and inflammatory thread titles.
Please do the world a favor......eliminate yourself by whatever means will be the fastest because your dirty soul is actually attempting to throw shade on a message about someone resting in peace, sorry you have none.
Rest In Peace Pat
Rest Without Peace Pat
This guy was a train wreck, not surprised
This would be the best news imaginable. The billions and billions that Mahaffy has cost everyone can never and will never be recovered/returned. Meanwhile our scumbag “leader” takes the most egregious comp package in the industry when comparing his endless list of failures to those paychecks. Mahaffy lies, lies some more, destroys all of the value in the company, and still thinks he has earned millions of dollars per year. What a joke, we all hate you Pat and despise working here. Thanks for sabotaging the sale asshole.
This guy was a train wreck, not surprised
This would be the best news imaginable. The billions and billions that Mahaffy has cost everyone can never and will never be recovered/returned. Meanwhile our scumbag “leader” takes the most egregious comp package in the industry when comparing his endless list of failures to those paychecks. Mahaffy lies, lies some more, destroys all of the value in the company, and still thinks he has earned millions of dollars per year. What a joke, we all hate you Pat and despise working here. Thanks for sabotaging the sale asshole.
This scumbag was paid $100k per month in salary and another $50k per month in bonus when averaged out…ALL TO LOSE 98% OF OUR COMPANY MARKET VALUE, ACCOUNTING FOR MORE THAN SIX BILLION IN LOSSES. HE SHOULD NEVER REST, EVER, LET ALONE IN PEACE.
This is Pat’s legacy, $104 share price all the way down to $2.75 DURING THE HIGHEST MARKET RUN EVER!! Pat is extremely gifted at his criminal securities fraud hustle to pull that off while paying himself more every single year, avoiding termination, and avoiding indictments… Until he doesn’t….
Rest In Peace Pat
It is brutal to read that message describing the event in scary awful detail. I get it, he suffered a horrific death from the offender’s firearm, but did HR really need to send out such a distasteful email? They could have simply said “we are confirming that he was shot several times in the head/neck and passed away shortly thereafter” the end. Not sure what is accomplished by laying out such graphic details to employees?? RIP Pat.
No it’s not true . Ceo of public company passing requires filing .Old friend of Pat. Is this true? Can you please copy and paste email announcement?
It would appear that their goal was to make sure that employees know what happened to Pat and how he was killed because the online rabbit hole tells one hundred different stories. I wonder what Pat was thinking of in those final seconds before the bullets ended his life? Was he thinking about CLVS and all the horrific destruction that he directly caused? Or was he not thinking at all?
Pat did not care about his financial crimes against all of us that work here and the exact same applies to investors. Our stock went from $104+ all the way down to $2 and Pat actually TOOK MORE MONEY every single year in total cash "compensation", also known as STEALING when 98% of our market value was lost courtesy of Pat selling endless stacks of bullshi_t convertibles to his boys at Wall St hedge funds and investment banks that he used to work with prior to his criminal biotech career.