Quintiles reps will ultimately replace many of us.


So, was Tim Rudolphi lying when he said the following:

"As the product life cycle dictates less demand for share of voice, as they often do, we will be in a position with Quintiles to adjust our sales force size back to pre-contract levels, insuring that our current sales force will not be impacted by the change in demand".

Now Tim, you know this company has history of telling big fat ones.

Spring of 2010......."We need everyone in this room"

Be honest with us Tim, are you telling the truth or not?


Who thinks we actually need more reps? Answer: Nobody!! Including Tim, Doug, and the board. You see, it's quite simple.

The only reason they are hiring these very young low-paid reps, is to replace the more expensive legacy reps. Every pharma Co tracks a metric on average rep salary, when it gets too high they start looking at ways to reduce that cost. Takeda has a very high number of legacy Actos and Prevacid reps with well over 10 years seniority (quite a few at 15yrs) all making right at, close to, or well over $100K in base salary.

They are setting us up for a massive lay-off. Mark my words, 2015 will not go well for many of us!!

Who thinks we actually need more reps? Answer: Nobody!! Including Tim, Doug, and the board. You see, it's quite simple.

The only reason they are hiring these very young low-paid reps, is to replace the more expensive legacy reps. Every pharma Co tracks a metric on average rep salary, when it gets too high they start looking at ways to reduce that cost. Takeda has a very high number of legacy Actos and Prevacid reps with well over 10 years seniority (quite a few at 15yrs) all making right at, close to, or well over $100K in base salary.

They are setting us up for a massive lay-off. Mark my words, 2015 will not go well for many of us!!

It will come swiftly in the night (from Japan) and be over in 2 days. Your package will hit your doorstep so fast you won't have time to count your severance. The samurai sword will cut swiftly!!!

So, was Tim Rudolphi lying when he said the following:

"As the product life cycle dictates less demand for share of voice, as they often do, we will be in a position with Quintiles to adjust our sales force size back to pre-contract levels, insuring that our current sales force will not be impacted by the change in demand".

Now Tim, you know this company has history of telling big fat ones.

Spring of 2010......."We need everyone in this room"

Be honest with us Tim, are you telling the truth or not?

You didn't hear his whole statement. He said:

"We need everyone in this room.....to get the fuck out!"

He told a story about running a marathon and seeing people quit the race and catch a cab.
He then said something to the effect that if you see co workers who aren't in the race tell them to catch a cab.
A couple months later he told those committed to the race to catch a cab to the U/E
Then he quit the race jumped in the cab did a face plant 180 and started a contract rep company

So, was Tim Rudolphi lying when he said the following:

"As the product life cycle dictates less demand for share of voice, as they often do, we will be in a position with Quintiles to adjust our sales force size back to pre-contract levels, insuring that our current sales force will not be impacted by the change in demand".

Now Tim, you know this company has history of telling big fat ones.

Spring of 2010......."We need everyone in this room"

Be honest with us Tim, are you telling the truth or not?

Here's what will actually happen. The Quintiles reps who are now completely familiar with our products will all be retained. Us poor Takeda reps with what they feel are bloated salaries (especially compared to the quintiles peeps), significant fringe benefits (insurance coverage, 401k match, company cars...) will be the ones let go. Only a few will continue to be Takeda employees. Quintiles will account for over 65% of our sales force. Those of us who are cut should get some really good severance packages though.

If that's really, really true? Why was I hired on with Takeda recently; plus there are two new Takeda reps in our districts? Why wouldn't they go with contract right off the bat?

If that's really, really true? Why was I hired on with Takeda recently; plus there are two new Takeda reps in our districts? Why wouldn't they go with contract right off the bat?

Why would Takeda schedule POA meetings and then lay people off weeks later?

The answer is you're working for Takeda the pharma equivalent of falling down the rabbit hole.

They specifically hired good people with no pharma experience with Quintiles…

I think they are great and there is no chance Takeda would lay off all the people with actual experience and keep those who have none..

Maybe 5 years down the road when they are vets, but not in the next 2 years..

Mark it down

Why would Takeda schedule POA meetings and then lay people off weeks later?

The answer is you're working for Takeda the pharma equivalent of falling down the rabbit hole.

In 2010 we had POAs a few weeks before the ax. One thing to look for, if the Area and Region are present it's a sure sign there's a layoff coming. The DMs bring them in to put the final mails on the coffins on the reps they want out, and her cronies help.

In 2010 we had POAs a few weeks before the ax. One thing to look for, if the Area and Region are present it's a sure sign there's a layoff coming. The DMs bring them in to put the final mails on the coffins on the reps they want out, and her cronies help.

You'll notice increased presence of Hr people and start hearing stories of people getting
set up.

Here's what will actually happen. The Quintiles reps who are now completely familiar with our products will all be retained. Us poor Takeda reps with what they feel are bloated salaries (especially compared to the quintiles peeps), significant fringe benefits (insurance coverage, 401k match, company cars...) will be the ones let go. Only a few will continue to be Takeda employees. Quintiles will account for over 65% of our sales force. Those of us who are cut should get some really good severance packages though.

If you're still here, then you are one of those left behind

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