I am a physician and occasionally get stuck working nights. When I have a stretch of nights, I take 100mg provigil before starting for each of the first 2 nights. After that, I am "flipped" and don't need it. That is all fine, but then I found that if I am working days, get paged all night, and have a heavy load of hospital patients the next day, I can really benefit from taking the provigil. I do better, and rather than being an ass to everyone all day, I actually maintain social skills. I rarely take it more than 2 days in a row, though, and I think I still feel a slight effect drifting into the 3rd day. I do find that I am probably a little hypomanic on the drug, that is really friendly, able to focus, get tons done, etc. I have never tried any other stimulants, but probably have a mild ADD at baseline. Sound normal?