Questions about Rotech

Don't worry as soon as the RM is back from vacation I'm sure the locations will get all the help they need. The ship is sinking and she keeps laying on the beach watching it go down, priceless!

Wow! My bet is the company is going to fold and soon. At least in some areas it will. Or, it will be bought by another DME and they will come in and clean house. That is the only thing that will save some areas of this company. I witnessed patients running out of O2 and not having anyone in the office to deliver to them. Also, witnessed the SR getting set ups from referrals only to have the LCM turn them down because there was no PST in that location. Can you say "OXY MORON?" I mean really? Anyway, that SR did see the handwriting on the wall and got the hell out. There have been so many leaving, that I don't know how the LCM still has a job. The turn around is horrendous. The jobs are not stable. I'll be leaving soon myself. If you have a good manager that knows how to manage people and not play favorites, knows sales, knows policies and procedures you are very lucky and probably thriving in this business. BUT, upper management has no clue what is going on in these locations and that is going to be the major downfall of this company. I don't see it lasting.

Wow! My bet is the company is going to fold and soon. At least in some areas it will. Or, it will be bought by another DME and they will come in and clean house. That is the only thing that will save some areas of this company. I witnessed patients running out of O2 and not having anyone in the office to deliver to them. Also, witnessed the SR getting set ups from referrals only to have the LCM turn them down because there was no PST in that location. Can you say "OXY MORON?" I mean really? Anyway, that SR did see the handwriting on the wall and got the hell out. There have been so many leaving, that I don't know how the LCM still has a job. The turn around is horrendous. The jobs are not stable. I'll be leaving soon myself. If you have a good manager that knows how to manage people and not play favorites, knows sales, knows policies and procedures you are very lucky and probably thriving in this business. BUT, upper management has no clue what is going on in these locations and that is going to be the major downfall of this company. I don't see it lasting.

Clappy hands all around for being honest!

Wow! My bet is the company is going to fold and soon. At least in some areas it will. Or, it will be bought by another DME and they will come in and clean house. That is the only thing that will save some areas of this company. I witnessed patients running out of O2 and not having anyone in the office to deliver to them. Also, witnessed the SR getting set ups from referrals only to have the LCM turn them down because there was no PST in that location. Can you say "OXY MORON?" I mean really? Anyway, that SR did see the handwriting on the wall and got the hell out. There have been so many leaving, that I don't know how the LCM still has a job. The turn around is horrendous. The jobs are not stable. I'll be leaving soon myself. If you have a good manager that knows how to manage people and not play favorites, knows sales, knows policies and procedures you are very lucky and probably thriving in this business. BUT, upper management has no clue what is going on in these locations and that is going to be the major downfall of this company. I don't see it lasting.

HR is also looking the other way when situations are being brought to their attention. Just amazing how this LCM still has a job by the actions above listed!!!

When an LCM lacks the basics in OPs/Sales they are killing a store. You can't have a SR come in and try and sell after an LCM has been turning down main referral sources.

Another situation is lack of communication by the LCM's to the referral day they are doing overnights...the next week they are not. Or not doing them at all and then making up some excuse..real or not and giving that to the Dr's and pleading for another chance. Have heard them blaming it on Pt's for not returning calls...that happened one to many times and they got caught. The Pt didn't have a machine to leave a message..80/yo tend to not have them.

Telling Dr's no they are not doing R/E's because their is no RT to do them or a clinician. That alone lays the ground work for failure on future referrals. Who wants their O2 patients going to a place that can not even provide an overnight let alone an R/E!

Slow death in the stores that have an LCM like above

Wow! My bet is the company is going to fold and soon. At least in some areas it will. Or, it will be bought by another DME and they will come in and clean house. That is the only thing that will save some areas of this company. I witnessed patients running out of O2 and not having anyone in the office to deliver to them. Also, witnessed the SR getting set ups from referrals only to have the LCM turn them down because there was no PST in that location. Can you say "OXY MORON?" I mean really? Anyway, that SR did see the handwriting on the wall and got the hell out. There have been so many leaving, that I don't know how the LCM still has a job. The turn around is horrendous. The jobs are not stable. I'll be leaving soon myself. If you have a good manager that knows how to manage people and not play favorites, knows sales, knows policies and procedures you are very lucky and probably thriving in this business. BUT, upper management has no clue what is going on in these locations and that is going to be the major downfall of this company. I don't see it lasting.

The LCM still has their job b/c Rotech feels all others in a location are pretty much a dime a dozen.

The LCM still has their job b/c Rotech feels all others in a location are pretty much a dime a dozen.

Being an lcm with much unsolicited attention lately, I'll tell you another reason the cheese keeps us. It's because we know of EVERY single infraction that the OIG would be interested in, should they audit our patient files. It only takes a few shenanigans to cost Rotech BIG.
That's why they choose to keep me irregardless the damage me and my behavior have reeked upon "my" location.

Being an lcm with much unsolicited attention lately, I'll tell you another reason the cheese keeps us. It's because we know of EVERY single infraction that the OIG would be interested in, should they audit our patient files. It only takes a few shenanigans to cost Rotech BIG.
That's why they choose to keep me irregardless the damage me and my behavior have reeked upon "my" location.

Hmmm w/that "blackmailer" way of thought no wonder you are stuck at Rotech. Thank goodness you have that business on the side. NOT

No wonder too the Medicare system is in it's current state when people like you refuse to stand up and report such things....IF they really are going on.

Hmmm w/that "blackmailer" way of thought no wonder you are stuck at Rotech. Thank goodness you have that business on the side. NOT

No wonder too the Medicare system is in it's current state when people like you refuse to stand up and report such things....IF they really are going on.

Cmon. Most of us have a few CMN skeletons and upcoding issues laying around. Things we would not want the OIG to see the light of day. We LCM's are trusted to keep these minute issues under the rug.

Cmon. Most of us have a few CMN skeletons and upcoding issues laying around. Things we would not want the OIG to see the light of day. We LCM's are trusted to keep these minute issues under the rug.

Backpeddle much ????? In your first post, you make it sound as if you just came down from on high with the tablets filled w/stuff you have participated in.

Those "minute" issues have a way of growing out of control like a weed.

At least you will have skeletons for fall decorating by the sounds of it

Being an lcm with much unsolicited attention lately, I'll tell you another reason the cheese keeps us. It's because we know of EVERY single infraction that the OIG would be interested in, should they audit our patient files. It only takes a few shenanigans to cost Rotech BIG.
That's why they choose to keep me irregardless the damage me and my behavior have reeked upon "my" location.

Dont count on that to be the reason. Trust me.......
We know what is going on.....

Now that OIG is going after and fining sales people and staff for knowingly not reporting fraudulent activity people will change their minds.

Oh goody! bring them on. They need to start with HR. Things have been reported to them and not a thing has happened.
AM has been told too and still nothing. Just bury it, that is their motto

But it seems more like this thread is just the same old same know...wash, rinse and repeat. lol

Oh goody! bring them on. They need to start with HR. Things have been reported to them and not a thing has happened.
AM has been told too and still nothing. Just bury it, that is their motto

But it seems more like this thread is just the same old same know...wash, rinse and repeat. lol

The State of Florida opened an investigation on Rotech the second week of August 2011, and Blue Cross Blue Shield FL has dropped Rotech as of 9-1-11.

You are right. The person in question here won't be fired simply because of "what" they are. It is so commandeth from the top.
Fine way to run a company.

No one on this board cares how you attempt to portray that certain LCM as a "what".

Rotech will keep anyone that will work for their low pay. No matter how bad or not they perform any part of the day at Rotech or out. As long as the door opens on a day to day basis and the O2 money is coming in, they don't give a crap.

No one on this board cares how you attempt to portray that certain LCM as a "what".

Rotech will keep anyone that will work for their low pay. No matter how bad or not they perform any part of the day at Rotech or out. As long as the door opens on a day to day basis and the O2 money is coming in, they don't give a crap.

They are so desperate for O2 money, another O2 contest started. Guess they didn't get enough in April with the other one. Next they will require ANY employee with Ins benefits to take the test to see if they need O2. lol