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Question for Conservatives on the board


Out of curiousity, who did you vote for in the primaries?

I voted for Ron Paul. I was kind of curious who y'all voted for.

Poor Pale Horse. Posted this over 4 hours ago and none of your fellow wack jobs replied, so I will take pity on you and reply. I voted today in the California primary for Barack Obama in the primary and YES on the proposition to raise the price of cigarettes significantly.

Poor Pale Horse. Posted this over 4 hours ago and none of your fellow wack jobs replied, so I will take pity on you and reply. I voted today in the California primary for Barack Obama in the primary and YES on the proposition to raise the price of cigarettes significantly.

And guess what? It FAILED!!

And guess what? It FAILED!!

Seriously? Last I heard it was 50/50. Why would anyone NOT want to raise the tax on this vice which kills so many people, including my best friend from college who died at 30 from lung cancer. He grew up in a house with two smoking parents.

Sick if you are correct. And I just looked it up and said still too close to call, but the no votes had the edge. Dumb.

Seriously? Last I heard it was 50/50. Why would anyone NOT want to raise the tax on this vice which kills so many people, including my best friend from college who died at 30 from lung cancer. He grew up in a house with two smoking parents.

Sick if you are correct. And I just looked it up and said still too close to call, but the no votes had the edge. Dumb.

Using your logic let's put a huge tax on homosexuals. I had a friend in college who was homosexual and died before the age of 30 from Aids. So employing your philosophy consistently, we should put a huge tax on gays!

Seriously? Last I heard it was 50/50. Why would anyone NOT want to raise the tax on this vice which kills so many people, including my best friend from college who died at 30 from lung cancer. He grew up in a house with two smoking parents.

Sick if you are correct. And I just looked it up and said still too close to call, but the no votes had the edge. Dumb.

You're thinking with the wrong side of your brain. There are two purposes of taxation. One purpose is to raise revenue, and the other is to regulate behavior; if you want to stop a behavior, tax it.

The trouble here is that Cal wants to raise marginal revenue, but they can't accomplish the goal if fewer people smoke. There is a price, "Price X" at which taxing smoking will
force people to quit smoking. Most people that smoke are the ignorant and the stupid, and they tend to be poorer. It flies in the face of Democrat beliefs to increase taxes on the poor. Let them smoke. Just as long as I don't have to smell it.

Why do you make such a fool of yourself, Vag? Whether or not the GOP was waiting on my message is immaterial. The fact is that I sent it.

Once again you prove that you really don't have what it takes to participate on a poli board.

And once again, you, with your smart-assed rermarks and condescending style prove you are worthless on the board. :cool: