Impressive foresight. The Solstas lab in Greensboro performs more tests in-house than Tucker which means lowered costs of testing. And Greensboro reports out results for the majority of clin lab tests the next day. They just built a new state of the art lab with the ability to handle a very large volume. It'll be interesting to see what happens.
The amount of business being acquired with the Solstas buyout is relatively equal to volume currently tested in Tucker. I've been through both labs and can tell you they are relatively equal in technology and capacity with Tucker having better workflow.
The Tucker lab will not close. Quest will transition Solstas clients in Georgia, Tennessee and Alabama over to Tucker, GA, pretty quickly. The Birmingham lab will become a STAT lab.
Quest will transition Solstas business in FL to the Florida BU.
Quest will transition Solstas business in KY to the north.
Quest will transition Solstas business in Maryland and parts of Virginia to Chantilly.
Quest will leave Greensboro open, scale it back and use it to service North Carolina and South Carolina only. Greensboro will then sendout the same testing that Tucker currently sends out to California and other Quest sites. Greensboro will mirror Tucker but on a much, much smaller scale. Quest will eventually lose a lot of the acquired Solstas business through attrition and will then further scale back the Greensboro lab. Greensboro will be a RRL in 3 years.
Spectrum Air will go away.
90% of Solstas couriers and vehicle fleet will go away within 3-6 months.
Quest will transition Solstas offices off Atlas and CareEvolve within 3-12 months. Quest will not pay third party companies to use their technology when they already own Care360.
Quest will re-evaluate all Solstas phlebotomist accounts for profitability. >30% of Solstas Phlebotomist's will be downsized or hours reduced within 6 months. Solsas Team Leads are gone within 3 months. Most Solstas phlebotomy Supervisors are gone within 3 months.
Quest will consolidate billing systems, review all Solstas pricing and adjust pricing upward for many of the Solstas clients who have ridiculously low, below COT pricing in place.
Quest will close Solstas PSC's throughout the region. 80% of Solstas PSC's will close within 6-12 months.
I could go on and on but you get the picture....
Oh, and virtually no Solstas MAE's will survive 3 months! And you WILL NOT get paid out 12 months on the business you closed for Solstas im the past 9 months. Quest doesn't owe you that money. Most CRS's will be gone in 12 months or less. And you will have all signed new non-competes by then.
This is going to be a bloodbath, Quest is the conquering army and Solstas is the little Indians.
Strap in for the ride!