Quality Smoke Screen Continues

Getting back tp the Costa Rica Warning Letter, I find this problem in part 3B interesting:

b) Exception Report Record, PR ID: 41660, detailed a complaint of over-delivery by a Plum XLD pump. Your firm determined that the supplier, Benchmark Electronics, had installed the incorrect Y2 crystal board component, which had a frequency rating of 12 MHz instead of 16 MHz. The Y2 crystal sends signals to drive motors on the pump. In the exception report, the pump was programmed to deliver 1497 ml at a rate of 62 ml/hr. The device infused the entire dose 4 hours and 30 minutes early due to the incorrect Y2 crystal.

When a 16MHz clock source is replaced with a 12MHz. the delivery should be slower, not faster. The dose should have completed later not earlier. But regardless, the infusion rate is off by about 20%. I assume they were able to quarantine the entire lot, otherwise there should have been a recall.

Austin plant 'improves' from 11 observations by the FDA last audit to 19 observations in the audit just concluded.....plant manager says they are "all easily fixable"...begs the question; Why weren't they fixed BEFORE the FDA audit??????

IMO if they don't make some serious upgrades to the Austin facility, I think it's operation is on the drawing board to be moved to india. Filling I.V. bags isn't rocket science. Even though the plant manager claims to be one. Corporate already warned a few years ago that if they couldn't bring cost down it was going to be closed. All the new hires can easily be let go. If they don't plan on keeping it open it will just be cheap patch repairs here and there till the India plant is ready.

Notice the Hundreds of posts on here with the (3) ... dots

and the separated paragraphs

It's the same poster and easy to

see the discrepancies


Somebody's lying to me about working for King and Merck

Austin plant 'improves' from 11 observations by the FDA last audit to 19 observations in the audit just concluded.....plant manager says they are "all easily fixable"...begs the question; Why weren't they fixed BEFORE the FDA audit??????

Huge numbers of new people hired. Strange thing is...none of these are actually working on the floor in the production areas that were devastated by FUEL/LEAN...all office workers....mostly fresh grads with little/no real manufacturing experience...hired to Supervise the few people left who actually do anything that generates product (profit)....all just additional red-tape creating over-head. So many of these shiny new people that all existing office space has had to be reorganized, new portable buildings are being installed in the north parking lot, there are cubicles in what used to be hallways and there are plans being drawn up to put a second floor over the cafeteria..... just to house these people who are here to tell all the 20-30 year veterans of this facility how to do our jobs better!

Production numbers for 2013 are down 20% from this year.....VisIV is totally cratered--ZERO production scheduled for next year---which is probably good since that'll eliminate the need to re-re-re-re-work the lots before they can be shipped out. Mr Begley and Mr. Vogel have a lot to answer for to the employees and to Hospira shareholders for the multi-million $ fraud that this product is. AddVantage product line down from damn near 24/7 to a single 8 hr shift/5 days a week....employees sometimes can't even get a full 40hrs in.
Commodities all purchased from the lowest bidder and much from even our own plant in Buffalo is of pathetic quality. Large $'s down the drain (literally) this week from the LifeCare lines because of bad ports in the bags----to Hospira Mngmnt, please shove that "Do it right the first time- every time" BS (you know where) and repeat after me this much more accurate and realistic phrase "Garbage IN = Garbage OUT"

Hey Mr. Ball why don't you go ahead and hire a Senior Corporate Vice President of Phrases and maybe they can kaizen out some more appropriate slogans for us? Quality only matters when the FDA is in the house......If a job is worth doing; it's really worth doing AFTER you write an ER for it......If we had a dollar for every hour that all these new supervisory folks spend in meetings, Hospira's stock might actually be worth having......these are just some ideas to get the new VP started, I'm sure some of the other employees will chime in with some additional possibilities........just wantin' to do our part to fill those golden parachutes for all 'important' people.

Morale here is below low. Even the people that give a shit; give it half-assed......Half-assed is the new exceptional. Keep in mind that this exeptional rating on your evaluation is sure to get you a pay raise that's only 1% BELOW the rate of inflation. Thanks for all your hard work!--you now have 99% the purchasing power you had last year! That's REAL "continuing improvement"....isn't it? Hundreds of years of experience are bailing out of various areas like the Calibrations Dept, the Labs and finding Specs (Specialists) in the production areas that have any real history with their equipment is rare. We used to have BagFab Specs, for example, who knew their bagmakers like your barcolounger knows your ass cheeks..been on that bagmaker for 10+ years.....now (after LEAN) 6 months of experience makes you a 'old timer'.

I'm not even going to get into the erosion of benefits/compensation....just a tiny one (I'm sorry!)...Mike, I just wanted to say Thanks! for switching our 401Ks from JPMorgan to T Rowe Price... I know you did it with our best interests in heart...a really BIG Thanks! for allowing us to now pay the $55 a year charge for this service. BTW: I'm sure you told them that this fee could NEVER go up....right?

Here's one of Thousands (no joke) on CP by SAME poster
his "good buddy" has the hyper links in them
Two morons who devoted the last 6 years posting here

Austin plant 'improves' from 11 observations by the FDA last audit to 19 observations in the audit just concluded.....plant manager says they are "all easily fixable"...begs the question; Why weren't they fixed BEFORE the FDA audit??????

Huge numbers of new people hired. Strange thing is...none of these are actually working on the floor in the production areas that were devastated by FUEL/LEAN...all office workers....mostly fresh grads with little/no real manufacturing experience...hired to Supervise the few people left who actually do anything that generates product (profit)....all just additional red-tape creating over-head. So many of these shiny new people that all existing office space has had to be reorganized, new portable buildings are being installed in the north parking lot, there are cubicles in what used to be hallways and there are plans being drawn up to put a second floor over the cafeteria..... just to house these people who are here to tell all the 20-30 year veterans of this facility how to do our jobs better!

Production numbers for 2013 are down 20% from this year.....VisIV is totally cratered--ZERO production scheduled for next year---which is probably good since that'll eliminate the need to re-re-re-re-work the lots before they can be shipped out. Mr Begley and Mr. Vogel have a lot to answer for to the employees and to Hospira shareholders for the multi-million $ fraud that this product is. AddVantage product line down from damn near 24/7 to a single 8 hr shift/5 days a week....employees sometimes can't even get a full 40hrs in.
Commodities all purchased from the lowest bidder and much from even our own plant in Buffalo is of pathetic quality. Large $'s down the drain (literally) this week from the LifeCare lines because of bad ports in the bags----to Hospira Mngmnt, please shove that "Do it right the first time- every time" BS (you know where) and repeat after me this much more accurate and realistic phrase "Garbage IN = Garbage OUT"

Hey Mr. Ball why don't you go ahead and hire a Senior Corporate Vice President of Phrases and maybe they can kaizen out some more appropriate slogans for us? Quality only matters when the FDA is in the house......If a job is worth doing; it's really worth doing AFTER you write an ER for it......If we had a dollar for every hour that all these new supervisory folks spend in meetings, Hospira's stock might actually be worth having......these are just some ideas to get the new VP started, I'm sure some of the other employees will chime in with some additional possibilities........just wantin' to do our part to fill those golden parachutes for all 'important' people.

Morale here is below low. Even the people that give a shit; give it half-assed......Half-assed is the new exceptional. Keep in mind that this exeptional rating on your evaluation is sure to get you a pay raise that's only 1% BELOW the rate of inflation. Thanks for all your hard work!--you now have 99% the purchasing power you had last year! That's REAL "continuing improvement"....isn't it? Hundreds of years of experience are bailing out of various areas like the Calibrations Dept, the Labs and finding Specs (Specialists) in the production areas that have any real history with their equipment is rare. We used to have BagFab Specs, for example, who knew their bagmakers like your barcolounger knows your ass cheeks..been on that bagmaker for 10+ years.....now (after LEAN) 6 months of experience makes you a 'old timer'.

I'm not even going to get into the erosion of benefits/compensation....just a tiny one (I'm sorry!)...Mike, I just wanted to say Thanks! for switching our 401Ks from JPMorgan to T Rowe Price... I know you did it with our best interests in heart...a really BIG Thanks! for allowing us to now pay the $55 a year charge for this service. BTW: I'm sure you told them that this fee could NEVER go up....right?

Wyeth/King ? Try Hospira bud ! the ( ... ) give you away

along with the separated paragraphs

Thousands on here (no joke)

Here's one of Thousands (no joke) on CP by SAME poster
his "good buddy" has the hyper links in them
Two morons who devoted the last 6 years posting here

Lame scare tactics you are using to stop the truth from getting out there, Hospira PR controller. The internet is leveling the playing field. Companies can't gag the truth from getting out anymore.

I'd rather a person spend 6 years on CP trying to get the truth out people's health and lives (aka having morals) than spending 6 years just kissing amoral pharma management's a**.

Plus, we are smart enough to copy and paste the hyperlinks to review them. The links are legit and credible. And we know to surf CP on our personal computer/phone and non-Hospira server.

Oh, look, no .... used so proof this is a different poster.

You're only hurting your cause, not helping it Stay focused on finding work or a better paying job Leave HSP to me I'm quite capable of bashing HSP where it counts and is noticed I'm retired
I don't have to better myself and you can be damn sure if I was working, I wouldn't be posting on CP :eek:

There is no doubt quality has improved at Hospira - i am sure that was part of Pfizer's decision making. However, we still are very challenged with some of the basics - must admit its been dificult since we have spun. On another note - I heard Svend left EMEA today ? This is where we did a a great deal of 'quality' effort especially with the Device business and the Eu CE mark. I liked Svend and he was a supporter of the drive towards improving quality - more changes no doubt around the corner.

Lame scare tactics you are using to stop the truth from getting out there, Hospira PR controller. The internet is leveling the playing field. Companies can't gag the truth from getting out anymore.

I'd rather a person spend 6 years on CP trying to get the truth out people's health and lives (aka having morals) than spending 6 years just kissing amoral pharma management's a**.

Plus, we are smart enough to copy and paste the hyperlinks to review them. The links are legit and credible. And we know to surf CP on our personal computer/phone and non-Hospira server.

Oh, look, no .... used so proof this is a different poster.

Sure you are !!!!

Very well articulated. Hits the "Ball" right on the head.

Austin plant 'improves' from 11 observations by the FDA last audit to 19 observations in the audit just concluded.....plant manager says they are "all easily fixable"...begs the question; Why weren't they fixed BEFORE the FDA audit??????

Huge numbers of new people hired. Strange thing is...none of these are actually working on the floor in the production areas that were devastated by FUEL/LEAN...all office workers....mostly fresh grads with little/no real manufacturing experience...hired to Supervise the few people left who actually do anything that generates product (profit)....all just additional red-tape creating over-head. So many of these shiny new people that all existing office space has had to be reorganized, new portable buildings are being installed in the north parking lot, there are cubicles in what used to be hallways and there are plans being drawn up to put a second floor over the cafeteria..... just to house these people who are here to tell all the 20-30 year veterans of this facility how to do our jobs better!

Production numbers for 2013 are down 20% from this year.....VisIV is totally cratered--ZERO production scheduled for next year---which is probably good since that'll eliminate the need to re-re-re-re-work the lots before they can be shipped out. Mr Begley and Mr. Vogel have a lot to answer for to the employees and to Hospira shareholders for the multi-million $ fraud that this product is. AddVantage product line down from damn near 24/7 to a single 8 hr shift/5 days a week....employees sometimes can't even get a full 40hrs in.
Commodities all purchased from the lowest bidder and much from even our own plant in Buffalo is of pathetic quality. Large $'s down the drain (literally) this week from the LifeCare lines because of bad ports in the bags----to Hospira Mngmnt, please shove that "Do it right the first time- every time" BS (you know where) and repeat after me this much more accurate and realistic phrase "Garbage IN = Garbage OUT"

Hey Mr. Ball why don't you go ahead and hire a Senior Corporate Vice President of Phrases and maybe they can kaizen out some more appropriate slogans for us? Quality only matters when the FDA is in the house......If a job is worth doing; it's really worth doing AFTER you write an ER for it......If we had a dollar for every hour that all these new supervisory folks spend in meetings, Hospira's stock might actually be worth having......these are just some ideas to get the new VP started, I'm sure some of the other employees will chime in with some additional possibilities........just wantin' to do our part to fill those golden parachutes for all 'important' people.

I'm not even going to get into the erosion of benefits/compensation....just a tiny one (I'm sorry!)...Mike, I just wanted to say Thanks! for switching our 401Ks from JPMorgan to T Rowe Price... I know you did it with our best interests in heart...a really BIG Thanks! for allowing us to now pay the $55 a year charge for this service. BTW: I'm sure you told them that this fee could NEVER go up....right?
