Qsymia Prescription

My doctor sent me to what he said was an "approved pharmacy" here in the bay area to get my prescription. However, the walgreen pharmacist told me that qsymia had to be special ordered from my doctor and delivered to my home. Who is right? My doctor or walgreens? Please help. I want my prescription.

Your pharmacist is misinformed. Qsymia is available as of July 1st at Costco and Walgreens Retail Pharmacies. I would call your Pharmacy back and request that they investigate further. It is new information, they made an honest mistake. They may not have Qsymia in stock; however they should be able to order and receive it within 24 hours.

So let me see if I understand the eisai loving qsymia bashing short seller wo posted above...(or is it mr. coats / oe maybe ob himself) ........ So what you are suggesting is that joe public should just ignore the clinical data that proves you wrong, that supports the safety of qsymia, and that documents the evidence based meicine backing the efficacy of qssymia. Right?

Oh, no. I know. You two woul suggest paying twice as much for a drug woth half the efficacy, proven not to work in diabetic patients who need it most, and works almost identically to phen phen......

Get your facts straight anf get a life.

LEARN how to spell!

Ouch, that really hurts. Love it when people eat themselves into oblivion and then claim 'disease'! Cant help it, it's a disease! I'm guessing you are approaching 3 bills at this point, easy on the 4th of July fare there

I don't think this person was calling obesity a "disease", they were just stating the findings of the American Medical Association.