Q4 Quotas

JT and amarin laughing stock of the industry. What company hires 800 reps for one med and no pipeline. Small Rocket Syndrome.

Would you just look at the careers page and see all of the positions that are open and not being filled? A ton of job postings show 30+ days since posted but are actually 6 months or more.

JT and amarin laughing stock of the industry. What company hires 800 reps for one med and no pipeline. Small Rocket Syndrome.

Well, to respond to your statement, you know, we wanted to make, you know a big impact, you know, early.

I hope, you know, that we had the right intentions.

You know, if we have excessive Human Resources, you know, we can always layoff, you know or PIP to reduce said resources, you know.

So if I have a goal attainment of 97% so far this quarter and the nation is at 88%, does that mean the nation can be put in a PIP for poor performance?
Can JT & company be given a warning for not making their KPIs? Can management be scolded to do more f2f calls and pharmacy calls?
Just wishful pondering....

I wonder what sales would've been accomplished if ridiculously useless middle mannagement had been expected to make virtual customer presentations during covid? Or the savings if they'd just been eliminated? Or reps had been let go and managers took their place? Horribly run joke of a company.