Q3 IC Payout

"I happen to know this attorney." Lol, I'm sure they're shaking in their boots, tough guy!! Go get em tiger, dumb ass.

This is really going to suck when the company has to hire a lawyer's in every state. I think that a company executive is forced to appear small claim court cases under 10k. Man talk about a big legal expense for a minor details. Dumb ass.

Sounds like someone who tried to get a job at Amarin and was turned down, and now comes here to gloat

Nope..not even CLOSE to being the truth. I never IV with Amarin, never worked there and quite frankly, never heard of them prior to speaking about the Amarin madness with an ex-colleague from another company who DID work at Amarin.

My friend told me when they got hired and THEN I saw a lot of "writing is on the wall" negative posts and called them and asked what the deal was.

Otherwise, I wouldn't know a thing about this company, in all honesty.

Good luck finding positions elsewhere folks.

Sounds like all companies do this to people from time to time, sorry you have been down this path as well

Kudos to not taking a job there. many people did because they had no options at the time. I left on my own after a few months after i saw how the leadership team was wired. Looks like some upset folks on here didn't get that impression

I'm through with taking chances with start-up companies. I worked for one which I DID like and was doing well at. However, me and about 11 other people were hired under false pretenses.

We were NOT told that the SOLE purpose of the company hiring us was only trying to get the drug sales to a certain level so that they would be in a strong position to sell it off a year later...to ANOTHER start-up company (2nd company..ironically had "A" at the start of its name as well). This 2nd start-up REALLY wanted the drug, but begrudgingly took the reps as well.

To make matters worse, many of us were thrown into another therapeutic area with new and much larger territories. On top of that, our new meds had no formulary coverage at ALL and we had to rely on Drs remembering to use so-called "No Pay co-pay" cards...which worked maybe 40% of the time..otherwise FULL retail cost to the patients.

This enraged my Drs to no end. Several refused to Rx b/c of this (not to mention that their patients hated them for Rx my drug...$180.00 co-pay surprise at the pharmacy is NEVER cool) and I got the hell out of that company to thankfully land a much better job elsewhere.

That's a little sliver of my start-up company nightmare experience, so yes, I can relate to what you guys/gals are going through with this Amarin bullshit.

Nope..not even CLOSE to being the truth. I never IV with Amarin, never worked there and quite frankly, never heard of them prior to speaking about the Amarin madness with an ex-colleague from another company who DID work at Amarin.

My friend told me when they got hired and THEN I saw a lot of "writing is on the wall" negative posts and called them and asked what the deal was.

Otherwise, I wouldn't know a thing about this company, in all honesty.

Good luck finding positions elsewhere folks.

We are so grateful that you came here to share your wisdom!

So 3 Stooges, JT, JK, SK

How does it feel to be incentivized with those kind of dollars while your ogre boss stripped the sales force and 140 severed employees of 25% of their bonus right before Christmas?

Feeling good about yourselves? JZ you need to go crawl back under the rock with your booze bottle you sick puppy.

Hope you all have a good Christmas, you too Hanukkah Harry, if there is anyone who needs a Savior it is you.

All of us

ps Aaron and Donna, same to you for sitting on your hands and letting it happen. shame, shame, shame. When people start getting offers, you can all sit and wonder why you are alone. We are all looking.

Why would management care?

They made more money than you will in several lifetimes off this smoke and mirrors.

They all laughed at you while they socked away millions!


PS why would a rep work here if they had any other opportunity?

Agreed, we are all working our butts off. I've believed in this company however, they are not competitive in our pay. I won't get personal or curse, just a fact, 65k and little scraps for bonuses won't keep many good reps here. I'm looking!

Agreed, we are all working our butts off. I've believed in this company however, they are not competitive in our pay. I won't get personal or curse, just a fact, 65k and little scraps for bonuses won't keep many good reps here. I'm looking!

I thought ALL of the Amarin Reps were dissed and dismissed...

Which one of us willing be job hunting, begging for interviews, going to BS cattle call job fairs with stupid ass insurance companies & financial advisors, getting drunk and crying to your Mommy, begging your landlord not to evict you, begging the bank not to repo your 1989 Ford Taurus wagon, eating trash out of the dumpsters of McDonalds, and jerking off b/c your GF left your broke ass?

That's right!!! YOU!! Welcome to the land of the Unemployed. Your first UI check for $300 will arrive on Dec. 26th!!

Christmas is effectively cancelled for you! Please don't steal any change from the Salvation Army's buckets outside of the grocery store...LMAO!!

Holy cow where do you live? $300/week?
Thankful that UI is $625 in my state!
Even though I have a good job now.

This is the most serious question I have ever asked, it will mean the difference between a friendship or not.

I went to work for a person I thought was a good friend and they swore to me 63,000 was the most they could give.

tell the truth, 75K?