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What does everyone think about getting paid more/ less for Q2 than their territory partner due to the subjective piece of the pie, and therefore being ranked higher/ lower than them as well? Great job Novo- you just created animosity and division between teammates.
This is a terrible system for the “culture”. It’s all about favoritism and BS. I can’t believe legal and HR are allowing this to go on. They won’t even tell us our scores or how this was done. Try harder Novo.

My advice—learn what these people are doing and emulate it. I do not like it either, but have become a student of people who are playing this game well. It can be kind of fun to turn the tables and be something no one is expecting you to be, especially to those people who think they have mastered the game. Be like—I see your game and I raise you 10,000.

My advice—learn what these people are doing and emulate it. I do not like it either, but have become a student of people who are playing this game well. It can be kind of fun to turn the tables and be something no one is expecting you to be, especially to those people who think they have mastered the game. Be like—I see your game and I raise you 10,000.
Great advice but who the heck has time to play such games? How about they just give us a goal as a team, we get paid and ranked based on the goal and then our year end increase reward the rest of the BS. That seems pretty simple and avoids this horrible situation between partners

Great advice but who the heck has time to play such games? How about they just give us a goal as a team, we get paid and ranked based on the goal and then our year end increase reward the rest of the BS. That seems pretty simple and avoids this horrible situation between partners
I wish it wasn’t this way, but it is. Better to carve out time for these extra things or miss out on rank and promotions.

If by “culture” you mean unwanted bacterial growth? Then yes, this is the culture at NNI. They don’t care about your feelings or impressions of fairness. Senior mngt is so out of touch it’ll take them 6 months to accept the fact that Ozempic is not the preferred GLP1 anymore. And don’t forget, RBDs and above made disgusting money these past few years, reps don’t live in that world. Don’t work too hard and don’t take your role too seriously. You can all be replaced very easily. And NNI doesn’t care either way.

Everyone applies for the ecosystem jobs (these are most of the roles). Then interview and selection. After that, in other territories a few are placed in DCS or OCS roles. These are lower volume territories in the newly designed territories. There are simply more reps than all of the roles that are available. Coming to the rest of you I'm sure at some point.

Everyone applies for the ecosystem jobs (these are most of the roles). Then interview and selection. After that, in other territories a few are placed in DCS or OCS roles. These are lower volume territories in the newly designed territories. There are simply more reps than all of the roles that are available. Coming to the rest of you I'm sure at some point.
My RBD told me to wait on expansion territories in obesity. Are those already taken?

My RBD told me to wait on expansion territories in obesity. Are those already taken?
There were no obesity expansion positions added to the innovation region that I am in. This turned out to be a fairly significant downsize despite everything Negelle said. A lot of word trickery to not send everyone into a full blown panic. But now that the dust is settling this was nothing more than a word soup downsizing. Buckle up if this is how it is rolled out to the rest of the country.

There were no obesity expansion positions added to the innovation region that I am in. This turned out to be a fairly significant downsize despite everything Negelle said. A lot of word trickery to not send everyone into a full blown panic. But now that the dust is settling this was nothing more than a word soup downsizing. Buckle up if this is how it is rolled out to the rest of the country.
This is exactly right. To previous poster. Your RBD either doesn’t know what they are talking about, or they are full of it.

There were no obesity expansion positions added to the innovation region that I am in. This turned out to be a fairly significant downsize despite everything Negelle said. A lot of word trickery to not send everyone into a full blown panic. But now that the dust is settling this was nothing more than a word soup downsizing. Buckle up if this is how it is rolled out to the rest of the country.
That is crazy. Does anyone know about pods of three outside of the innovation region. We do not need them and it is just too many people

Well at least those of us in the east can enjoy constant role play competitions for the rest of the year. Did you see Dena's email? WTF! Do you think anyone is going to enjoy one second of this dreadful thing?

So much for One Team. They’ve created a Hunger Games culture where everyone is out for themselves. It makes me sad what this once great company has come to.
Agree! It creates a culture of silos bc no one wants to share what they are working on bc it will be stolen by someone else and used towards Their impact measures, not yours. Its disgusting. This is the opposite of a team culture. This breeds resentment