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What does everyone think about getting paid more/ less for Q2 than their territory partner due to the subjective piece of the pie, and therefore being ranked higher/ lower than them as well? Great job Novo- you just created animosity and division between teammates.

What does everyone think about getting paid more/ less for Q2 than their territory partner due to the subjective piece of the pie, and therefore being ranked higher/ lower than them as well? Great job Novo- you just created animosity and division between teammates.
We have one on our team of 3 who doesn't work. 10-2, 11-3 is a typical day if she's even in the field. No exaggeration here. Many days she simply takes off due to her involvement in a Teams call for one of the several Ergs she is active in. Maybe does one lunch per week. Our DBM constantly applauds her 'bravery', 'vulnerability', or whichever nauseating catch word of the day we are using here at Novo. Her pay was greater than ours this past payout by a significant amount. Our new culture penalizes the reps who are out there really working hard. I am giving up and choosing to do less now. Nice job Negelle.

We have one on our team of 3 who doesn't work. 10-2, 11-3 is a typical day if she's even in the field. No exaggeration here. Many days she simply takes off due to her involvement in a Teams call for one of the several Ergs she is active in. Maybe does one lunch per week. Our DBM constantly applauds her 'bravery', 'vulnerability', or whichever nauseating catch word of the day we are using here at Novo. Her pay was greater than ours this past payout by a significant amount. Our new culture penalizes the reps who are out there really working hard. I am giving up and choosing to do less now. Nice job Negelle.
I’m also in a POD of 3. We have one that rarely works because her kids are in so many activities. This POD could easily work was a POD of 2

What does everyone think about getting paid more/ less for Q2 than their territory partner due to the subjective piece of the pie, and therefore being ranked higher/ lower than them as well? Great job Novo- you just created animosity and division between teammates.
I think it’s great. You shouldn’t get paid as much if you don’t pull your weight. I’m glad novo finally moved to this model. The losers who are whining about getting paid less should just try harder.

I think it’s great. You shouldn’t get paid as much if you don’t pull your weight. I’m glad novo finally moved to this model. The losers who are whining about getting paid less should just try harder.
The issue isn’t whether you should get paid if you don’t pull your weight or do. Sure, if you don’t pull your weight then you shouldn’t complain nor get ranked as high. However, The bigger issue lies within the subjectivity. Clear favorites are emerging with this model- creating major animosity between teammates and districts. COE ranks came out and it shows exactly where you ranked in comparison to your district/ region. Not to mention the way managers rank can vary from district to district.

The issue isn’t whether you should get paid if you don’t pull your weight or do. Sure, if you don’t pull your weight then you shouldn’t complain nor get ranked as high. However, The bigger issue lies within the subjectivity. Clear favorites are emerging with this model- creating major animosity between teammates and districts. COE ranks came out and it shows exactly where you ranked in comparison to your district/ region. Not to mention the way managers rank can vary from district to district.
It is favoritism. We have someone on leave who clearly is the favorite and was not even here to be scored. Yet got an amazing score. How does that work. It is favoritism. It has nothing to do with work ethic, things accomplished or even what they did, it is how much the DBM likes you. Disgusting and unfair.

I think it’s great. You shouldn’t get paid as much if you don’t pull your weight. I’m glad novo finally moved to this model. The losers who are whining about getting paid less should just try harder.
Trying harder at being the biggest brown noser to your manager? That's exactly what this system is right now.

I think it’s great. You shouldn’t get paid as much if you don’t pull your weight. I’m glad novo finally moved to this model. The losers who are whining about getting paid less should just try harder.
In a perfect world it would work that way. Unfortunately, those pods where both or all partners work equally as hard and all have excellent competencies are now in a situation where one will win COE while the other stays at home. It’s a mess.

The issue isn’t whether you should get paid if you don’t pull your weight or do. Sure, if you don’t pull your weight then you shouldn’t complain nor get ranked as high. However, The bigger issue lies within the subjectivity. Clear favorites are emerging with this model- creating major animosity between teammates and districts. COE ranks came out and it shows exactly where you ranked in comparison to your district/ region. Not to mention the way managers rank can vary from district to district.
Agree. If the territory has the same products, same weighting, same customers… the bonus payout and ranking should be the same. You can’t fairly determine who does what in a territory to move business. It’s a team effort, and the bonus payout should reflect that.

I think it’s great. You shouldn’t get paid as much if you don’t pull your weight. I’m glad novo finally moved to this model. The losers who are whining about getting paid less should just try harder.
Pulling your weight? You mean by grandstanding on teams calls, being part of a group therapy ERG or sharing motivational messages on text threads? Got it.

Pulling your weight? You mean by grandstanding on teams calls, being part of a group therapy ERG or sharing motivational messages on text threads? Got it.
No, I mean by showing up with more people impact on sales calls and showing through concrete examples that you love business. Clearly you’re the worse rep in the pod if you think ERGs are the reason for high scores. Anyone who has been out in the field long enough knows who is good in front of a customer and who isn’t.

Everything else is pathetic whining. Just face it: you’re not good enough. Your partner is better than you. Get better or deal with it.

No, I mean by showing up with more people impact on sales calls and showing through concrete examples that you love business. Clearly you’re the worse rep in the pod if you think ERGs are the reason for high scores. Anyone who has been out in the field long enough knows who is good in front of a customer and who isn’t.

Everything else is pathetic whining. Just face it: you’re not good enough. Your partner is better than you. Get better or deal with it.
Just face it: your golden child rep doesn't actually work. They snow you with an acting job- a great one- during your ride-a-long day. You have no idea how things really work.
I'm guessing you are a DBM or ODBM who cares only about their own career path or IDP here, and is fully entrenched in this BS 40% thing because it further empowers you, and you get some sort of enjoyment from everyone clamoring for your attention and wtg points... Am I getting warm?

Just face it: your golden child rep doesn't actually work. They snow you with an acting job- a great one- during your ride-a-long day. You have no idea how things really work.
I'm guessing you are a DBM or ODBM who cares only about their own career path or IDP here, and is fully entrenched in this BS 40% thing because it further empowers you, and you get some sort of enjoyment from everyone clamoring for your attention and wtg points... Am I getting warm?
You are perhaps a bit nervous…? I wonder why.

The disruptions occurring in the innovative regions present an opportunity for managers to get rid of the dead weight. Unfortunately, it seems as if more than anticipated will be losing their jobs.

Just face it: your golden child rep doesn't actually work. They snow you with an acting job- a great one- during your ride-a-long day. You have no idea how things really work.
I'm guessing you are a DBM or ODBM who cares only about their own career path or IDP here, and is fully entrenched in this BS 40% thing because it further empowers you, and you get some sort of enjoyment from everyone clamoring for your attention and wtg points... Am I getting warm?
I 100% agree with this statement. We have a rep on our team that is on as many committees as she can be assigned. She’s all in with WINN, she talks a big game. The office barely know her and can’t remember her name and she’s been with the company for over 10 years. She knows how to play the game. It’s so frustrating and defeating to those of us that actually work.

I 100% agree with this statement. We have a rep on our team that is on as many committees as she can be assigned. She’s all in with WINN, she talks a big game. The office barely know her and can’t remember her name and she’s been with the company for over 10 years. She knows how to play the game. It’s so frustrating and defeating to those of us that actually work.
Yes, we know. Because being on Winn helps your business how? Exactly.

I 100% agree with this statement. We have a rep on our team that is on as many committees as she can be assigned. She’s all in with WINN, she talks a big game. The office barely know her and can’t remember her name and she’s been with the company for over 10 years. She knows how to play the game. It’s so frustrating and defeating to those of us that actually work.
The question is, why don’t you do anything? Participating in the culture of the company is important. Being a malcontent won’t get you anywhere. If you truly believe you can get ahead by not working and just joining a couple ERGs…if it’s really that easy, then why don’t you do it?

The hard truth may just be that even though you apparently work, you’re just not that good at it.