Q1 goals

Lets see:
1. Record 2010 for RBP, didn't make year end doubler (What?)
2. Suck @ss PDR 2010 merit raises across the board (What?)
3. Record breaking conversions, pathetic Q1 SIP Payouts (What?)

I am tired, really tired of the rose-glass view of things my ABM keeps spinning me. He keeps wearing those glasses. I have taken mine off, and beginning to see things for what they are. Is isn't rosy. I have believed in RBP for so long. I'm tired of hanging on.

Lets see:
1. Record 2010 for RBP, didn't make year end doubler (What?)
2. Suck @ss PDR 2010 merit raises across the board (What?)
3. Record breaking conversions, pathetic Q1 SIP Payouts (What?)

I am tired, really tired of the rose-glass view of things my ABM keeps spinning me. He keeps wearing those glasses. I have taken mine off, and beginning to see things for what they are. Is isn't rosy. I have believed in RBP for so long. I'm tired of hanging on.

No joke...and I am usually pretty positive. They are making $$$ hand over fist and we are getting the shaft. When top Film converters aren't making quota something is not right

I know, right? Last year I focused on minimizing the generic monotherapy, only to learn at then end of the year it didn't matter. This year I focus on conversion and have a pretty good conversion rate, compared to what i hear. Came up short on meeting my quota though. Its all about the units this time, as unrealistic as they are. Attainment in the 90% range. Shocked. I hear so many of my peers and friends didn't even do that well. Now I have to listen to my ditzy ABM give me her spin: "Just hang in there. Next quarter will be better, and we should all be glad we have our jobs, so many don't, you know". She needs to lay off of the kool-aid, because we aren't drinking it anymore. Shaun are you listening, or do you even care about the US and "us" anymore? New guy Gary?

thats ok, RB has been doing phone interviews for 2 weeks now and has started f2f. 20 areas, recruiter only and the word is out that house cleaning is happening- fyi- they are nt interested in anyone with pharm exp.

thats ok, RB has been doing phone interviews for 2 weeks now and has started f2f. 20 areas, recruiter only and the word is out that house cleaning is happening- fyi- they are nt interested in anyone with pharm exp.

It's for the respiratory division, moron (Mucinex)...and it pays a LOT less than Suboxone CLs make. Nice try with the conspiracy theory

You can't be serious? You have to be utterly delusional to think that there is any sense to be made of what goes on here. Did it not occur to you that your manager is an incompetant dolt, who was hired merely for his/her ability to feed you pap, just to string you along?

Thats it, thats all they know. Spew the mantras. They have b.s's in B.S. Got that? No sales skills needed. Just shove the sunshine up your sheep asses and lead the little sheep down the primrose path. Some sheep not on the path? Great! Then they will have to be gotten rid of. Lead to the slaughter if you will. Better yet, get the chosen people to shovel a little dirt here and there and before you know it, that sheep will be gone. Its elementary, ain't it M. Polo?

Thats for damn sure. Baaaaa Baaaaa . No managers here will qualify for membership in mensa. Nope. However, there is a low budget outfit doing porn shots down in Georgia and I'm sure that while there aren't any lookers in this bunch, they would volunteer just for the attention. It would exceed all the excitement they have ever known in their entire lives with one exception and thats when they get away with slinging mud on any target they chose, behind their back.