KC is a snake oil salesman. Keep shuffling the pieces so that he can hide the financial mismanagement. We should have turned a profit 5 years ago, but here we are. He keeps running thru senior leaders in the organization as well, acting as if underperformance is their fault, while he remains the one constant thru it all. He’s a joke. I hope he runs for office. Let’s add him to the idiots in DC and get him out of Exact.
"He keeps running thru senior leaders in the organization as well, acting as if underperformance is their fault" - it IS their fault. Reason - he hires absolute jokers who have NO history of delivering to his senior leadership team. How do you expect losers to deliver?? A players hire A players. B players hire C players. The 'things' he brings in as leaders are worse than him. Remember, he is a lawyer. Technical competence is not his thing. That is what the senior leadership team is expected to bring.
Could not have said this better myself.