Put on a PIP today

Lots of assumptions here. Ever think that maybe the rep deserved it. Managers go on pip's too, and if it were deserved, so be it. You ask, why would this manager do this at a time like this? Managers are not shop stewards. Their main job is not to protect people. PIP's are hell for the rep AND the manager- In order for a PIP to be approved by their director, it has to go through HR & many times, legal. Believe me, it this individual was placed on a PIP, it was for a valid reason.

And managers report to RSDs whose job is to be constantly working people out...reps and/or managers - earned or not.

It never ceases to amaze me how you Pharma folks still have faith in the system to protect and provide for you. They don't give a damn about you. Have you payed attention to the industry in the last 3 years?
Shame on you...

And you are going to move market share of what product to get off this PIP? Good luck. Maybe you can at least hang on and get canned with the rest of us.

There won't be any firings due to PIP. Legally there needs to be time to get off and 3 months is not time usually given. I would think Novartis would lay low
Think about it ....a few people vs. a potential lawsuit. People will be gone in the layoff with their small severance signing all claims away

Again PIP just accelerates the removal process. Its a TOOL that they can use to rid themselves of the ones they might fel would cause them trouble with just a plain layoff.

Don't forget who u are dealing with here. They don't give a rats ass about u and due to the past lawsuits they will use any tools available to them to kick u to the curb.

HR is not your friend. They work for company 1st and will sanction any moves that help with the layoff process!

The more people they can fire due to PIP's the better it looks to Wall Street as the #'s of LAYOFFS go down. Better for NVS to show least # of layoffs as firings don't count in staff reduction #'s.

I've never worked for a sales organization that didn't manage out their bottom reps. Why is it different here?
In other organizations the numbers are exactly what you sold in Pharma it's what they tell you was sold. Major Disconnect. We all know the numbers are fabricated so how can you "manage out" a low producer based on low performance when it's all smoke & mirrors? That's the difference.

OK if they put u on PIP it gives them a vaild reason to terminate u when the time comes. This acts like a safety net for NPC and gives them proof that you were not doing the things they demanded.

PIP like any other program is designed to help mgmt push u out the door. U will have some unrealistic goals and objectives too meet and its all subjective. MGR can interpert it any way they want.

U get canned and try to file a lawsuit they have PROOF that they warned u about your performance and tried to help u but it just didn't work out.

You will see more reps on PIP, especially the ones who might have a case in age, gender (male) discrimination when laid-off.

This quote is right on the money. I was put on PIP with another company. I thought if I did everything my manager asked, I might last. Boy was I wrong. He had me doing so much extra work, that is all I had time for day and night. Writting up stuff for him. And yes it was ALL subjective - and I had not good, not great, but AWESOME numbers. I am not kidding! He was a you know what - idiot! And I was so busy doing all this extra work, I did not have time to look for another job!!!!!!! So my advice, coming from a rep with 10+ years experience, if you are ever put on PIP - seriously consider yourself gone. I had to learn the hard way. Whatever you do though, don't quit! You will miss out on severence or any unemployment that may be coming to you. LOOK FOR ANOTHER JOB.

This quote is right on the money. I was put on PIP with another company. I thought if I did everything my manager asked, I might last. Boy was I wrong. He had me doing so much extra work, that is all I had time for day and night. Writting up stuff for him. And yes it was ALL subjective - and I had not good, not great, but AWESOME numbers. I am not kidding! He was a you know what - idiot! And I was so busy doing all this extra work, I did not have time to look for another job!!!!!!! So my advice, coming from a rep with 10+ years experience, if you are ever put on PIP - seriously consider yourself gone. I had to learn the hard way. Whatever you do though, don't quit! You will miss out on severence or any unemployment that may be coming to you. LOOK FOR ANOTHER JOB.

Awesome numbers and put on a PIP...sure.......

This quote is right on the money. I was put on PIP with another company. I thought if I did everything my manager asked, I might last. Boy was I wrong. He had me doing so much extra work, that is all I had time for day and night. Writting up stuff for him. And yes it was ALL subjective - and I had not good, not great, but AWESOME numbers. I am not kidding! He was a you know what - idiot! And I was so busy doing all this extra work, I did not have time to look for another job!!!!!!! So my advice, coming from a rep with 10+ years experience, if you are ever put on PIP - seriously consider yourself gone. I had to learn the hard way. Whatever you do though, don't quit! You will miss out on severence or any unemployment that may be coming to you. LOOK FOR ANOTHER JOB.

You must be a "train wreck" to have awesome numbers and be on a pip. Either you are full of it, or you really are a train wreck.

Home office layoffs last year - they definitely put people on PIPs where everyone knew they deserved PIPs but were shocked that they'd go through the effort of PIPping them simultaneously with layoffs. It was certainly considered a ballsy move. And it wasn't sporadic... almost all the people that were known disasters were PIPped and canned not laid off.

Some were PIPped just before the layoffs... more surprising is some were PIPped and canned shortly after the layoffs.

Yes, this does happen. It happened to me, out of the blue based on Values and Behaviors. I was number ONE in my district. I honored the terms of my PIP, dotted every I and crossed every T. The funny thing was that the layoffs were announced at the very end of my "PIP period"last year and HR refused to sign off on the PIP as concluded, as did my weak sister of a manager. Consequently I didn't "make the cut". Looking back I asked myself these questions - 1)Would have really wanted to stay and work in such a toxic and dysfunctional environment? ANSWER : NO. I got the enhanced severance, training funds, outplacement assistance and was fortunate to land a KILLER job outside of Pharma almost immediately. 2) Had the situation been different, and I really LIKED my situation at Novartis, should I refuse to sign the PIP, gotten an attorney and dug in for the fight? YES. Novartis in hind sight really wasn't worth staying for. So take your blinders off and have faith in yourself, and TRUST NO ONE.
ANYONE who is placed on a Values and Behaviors PIP is being retaliated against. Sales numbers are harder to defend, but a competent employment attorney can make a Values and Behavior PIP a house of cards and really becomes a negotiated "departure". On the outside looking in, I am now a true believer on what goes around, comes around. Every dog has his day.....the chickens have come home to roost..etc. etc. 250 million to the ladies, 99 million for not having time clocks in your Taurus.... I just feel for a lot of really GOOD people caught up in this mess.

same thing happened to me as above. However, I got my severance!! But I look at it this way, karma is a bitch and it will come back and bite that district mgr in the ass. LOL What goes around comes around!! Love it!