I can't believe I was put on a plan today with all that is going on. She called me out of the blue to meet for lunch and dropped the bomb on me.
That is the lowest thing I've read in months!!!!!!!! KARMA: just wait til it gets her. Disgusting behavior. I hope she gets her karma soon.
I can't believe I was put on a plan today with all that is going on. She called me out of the blue to meet for lunch and dropped the bomb on me.
I can't believe I was put on a plan today with all that is going on. She called me out of the blue to meet for lunch and dropped the bomb on me.
Bs. No PIPs are allowed at this time. Might be an informal coaching plan or someone trying to stir up crap.
Wrong. They've done it before and will do it again
I can't believe I was put on a plan today with all that is going on. She called me out of the blue to meet for lunch and dropped the bomb on me.
Lots of assumptions here. Ever think that maybe the rep deserved it. Managers go on pip's too, and if it were deserved, so be it. You ask, why would this manager do this at a time like this? Managers are not shop stewards. Their main job is not to protect people. PIP's are hell for the rep AND the manager- In order for a PIP to be approved by their director, it has to go through HR & many times, legal. Believe me, it this individual was placed on a PIP, it was for a valid reason.
Hr here-
No PIP allowed at this time. For legal reasons, we have decided to suspend any type of PIP or TCP introduction until after June with the thought process that the year ends would filter those individuals and be taken care of during the corporate RIF. Original posting must be fake.