Put on a PIP today

That is the lowest thing I've read in months!!!!!!!! KARMA: just wait til it gets her. Disgusting behavior. I hope she gets her karma soon.

Maybe the PIP was deserved. There is no such thing as karma. But it is true that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. With that said, something caused the PIP.

Ok, whomever said that something caused the PIP....I've seen a lot of things in pharmaceutical sales and you can't assume that the PIP was deserved, fully or partially. One thing you can assume, this person will be let go. So, the manager deciding to put the person on a PIP right now, made the choice in a round about way to make sure this person would be on the layoff list. That seems pretty harsh to me.

Bs. No PIPs are allowed at this time. Might be an informal coaching plan or someone trying to stir up crap.

At Novartis?!!

Management here will put you on a PIP knowing you have less than a month before a big layoff. A manager will ride along with you and smile for two days and then "coach" the heck out of ya.

This is the kind of company that will kick you in the balls, twice, when you're down.

I don't believe it either. I think its BS

With what is going on, why would anyone be put on a PIP. These usually last several months anyway so by the time to revisit the layoffs will be annouced

I doubt Novartis would fire anyone right now except in the case of something like a DUI or anything that could endanger someone else

Wrong. They've done it before and will do it again

This is a totally differnet situation. Think about it, Novartis has never had anything like this in terms of sheer numbers. After the lawsuits that they have been in and are facing, legal will be on top of everything. Imagine someone gets put on a PIP and gets fired a few weeks before the mapping is announced.

Things that were done in the past are being put on hold until everything shakes out

OK if they put u on PIP it gives them a vaild reason to terminate u when the time comes. This acts like a safety net for NPC and gives them proof that you were not doing the things they demanded.

PIP like any other program is designed to help mgmt push u out the door. U will have some unrealistic goals and objectives too meet and its all subjective. MGR can interpert it any way they want.

U get canned and try to file a lawsuit they have PROOF that they warned u about your performance and tried to help u but it just didn't work out.

You will see more reps on PIP, especially the ones who might have a case in age, gender (male) discrimination when laid-off.

Everyone will be gone after April that should be on a PIP anyway so whats the point
They probably all got a 1
Usually with a PIP they give you time to improve your performance
You won't have anytime here only about 10 weeks until we hear who goes

I can't believe I was put on a plan today with all that is going on. She called me out of the blue to meet for lunch and dropped the bomb on me.

Lots of assumptions here. Ever think that maybe the rep deserved it. Managers go on pip's too, and if it were deserved, so be it. You ask, why would this manager do this at a time like this? Managers are not shop stewards. Their main job is not to protect people. PIP's are hell for the rep AND the manager- In order for a PIP to be approved by their director, it has to go through HR & many times, legal. Believe me, it this individual was placed on a PIP, it was for a valid reason.

Lots of assumptions here. Ever think that maybe the rep deserved it. Managers go on pip's too, and if it were deserved, so be it. You ask, why would this manager do this at a time like this? Managers are not shop stewards. Their main job is not to protect people. PIP's are hell for the rep AND the manager- In order for a PIP to be approved by their director, it has to go through HR & many times, legal. Believe me, it this individual was placed on a PIP, it was for a valid reason.

I understand what you are saying but Im just wondering why they bother with this. There will be no work done with the manager for the next 2.5 months.
Are they going to fire this person before the layoffs?
I know people that have gotten off PIPS with hard work but it took more than 2.5 months.
They usually give you 4-6 months or so.

Hr here-

No PIP allowed at this time. For legal reasons, we have decided to suspend any type of PIP or TCP introduction until after June with the thought process that the year ends would filter those individuals and be taken care of during the corporate RIF. Original posting must be fake.

Hr here-

No PIP allowed at this time. For legal reasons, we have decided to suspend any type of PIP or TCP introduction until after June with the thought process that the year ends would filter those individuals and be taken care of during the corporate RIF. Original posting must be fake.

this could be legit. i'm sure though, that many were already on a pip when announcement came. those individuals may go prior to knowing their fate? or is there relief from their pip based on aliskiren legal issues, etc.