So once again the board comes alive. It seems to have a life of it's own, though without any discernable purpose. There was a time when important information passed through this venue. When hearts and minds were changed . When consequential revelations moved the cause of justice a bit closer day by day. Those were difficult times for many of us. To see that for others they were the "glory days", confirms what we already knew about the evil that lives in the hearts of those responsible for the tragedy that was Insys.
I don't know if there is a final day of reckoning. I doubt it. Accountability can be assigned but responsibility must be accepted. It's ultimately settled, (or not) between you and whoever is looking back from your mirror.
My advice? Move on with your lives. Strive to do something good. Redemption comes softly and lightly, often unexpectedly. We can't really earn it, but there's dignity and grace in the attempt and isn't that the most any of us can reasonably hope for.
"The Mother's" final thoughts