Purdue then Insys? Really?!?!

Ahhhh, yes. The old “good people on both sides” argument. Sure thing. If you’re stupid enough to not know that you’re participating in a business model that wants to increase usage of some of the most addicting medicines on earth and convince doctors they are “safe” then you don’t belong in the industry. There was a number of fails in the system HCPs, pharmacists, distributors, insurance companies, and even law enforcement. But if you’re trying to give the “good people” at Purdue and/or Insys a free pass then again you’re lying to yourself or you’re stupid. Either way you should probably sell insurance or boats.


There WERE a lot of good people who worked at both places

Did you ever consider the millions of people who live in crippling pain every day?

My mom only SURVIVED because of OxyContin..... for years !!! It was the only thing that gave her relief and some sanity

Because of a the unscrupulous FEW, some self imposed overdoses, and out-of-control health care system, patients who NEED pain management are the real victims. The forgotten!

So once again the board comes alive. It seems to have a life of it's own, though without any discernable purpose. There was a time when important information passed through this venue. When hearts and minds were changed . When consequential revelations moved the cause of justice a bit closer day by day. Those were difficult times for many of us. To see that for others they were the "glory days", confirms what we already knew about the evil that lives in the hearts of those responsible for the tragedy that was Insys.

I don't know if there is a final day of reckoning. I doubt it. Accountability can be assigned but responsibility must be accepted. It's ultimately settled, (or not) between you and whoever is looking back from your mirror.

My advice? Move on with your lives. Strive to do something good. Redemption comes softly and lightly, often unexpectedly. We can't really earn it, but there's dignity and grace in the attempt and isn't that the most any of us can reasonably hope for.

"The Mother's" final thoughts

Ladies and Gentlemen.... here we have the house monologue troll

There WERE a lot of good people who worked at both places

Did you ever consider the millions of people who live in crippling pain every day?

My mom only SURVIVED because of OxyContin..... for years !!! It was the only thing that gave her relief and some sanity

Because of a the unscrupulous FEW, some self imposed overdoses, and out-of-control health care system, patients who NEED pain management are the real victims. The forgotten!

From an “unscrupulous few”. Put your head in the sand bud. The more they dig the more they find that it’s NOT a few. The Sacklers are now hiding money everywhere they can. It never stops with these people. You Purdue people make me sick, then you come to Insys and make it worse. I can’t for the life of me understand why all you people aren’t in jail or at least banned from Pharma FOR LIFE. You don’t get to claim how awesome you are and how great your product is when its literally killing hundreds a month. Your ability to justify your immorality is disgusting.

Sacklers & Kapoor are a start. If you were an exec at either place you need to be investigated, then either jailed or banned from pharma for life. All of you.

From an “unscrupulous few”. Put your head in the sand bud. The more they dig the more they find that it’s NOT a few. The Sacklers are now hiding money everywhere they can. It never stops with these people. You Purdue people make me sick, then you come to Insys and make it worse. I can’t for the life of me understand why all you people aren’t in jail or at least banned from Pharma FOR LIFE. You don’t get to claim how awesome you are and how great your product is when its literally killing hundreds a month. Your ability to justify your immorality is disgusting.

Sacklers & Kapoor are a start. If you were an exec at either place you need to be investigated, then either jailed or banned from pharma for life. All of you.

Sacklers are exposed and moving billions off shore. Let’s see if the crooked DOJ and politicians let them off the hook.

All of you are all talk because you hide behind the anonymity of the board. If you are all so proud of what you did, why don't you say who you are? You are just a bunch of sad individuals. I worked with most of you, and that fake facade didn't fool anyone, With your fake faces, hair, and all that expensive plastic surgery, you won't look like that forever, then you will be ugly on the outside just like the inside. You are all disgusting!!! All of you ran the company into the ground, especially the VP's and Executives. I was on the inside and saw all the disgusting things everyone did. The old as well as the new people were corrupt, there was not one good apple in the bunch. Some hid it better than others, but everyone at the top was corrupt including legal and compliance.

Spend some time reading “Dopesick” and work with addiction medicine programs and then you’ll see the the big picture of what these companies over zealous marketing tactics (including bribing MDs to push the limits). Hepatitis C was destined to be eradicated with the 98% cure rates, now a new wave is spreading with each shared syringe. The magnitude of this national health epidemic won’t be truly known for another decade or more.


Your leaders paid for, participated in, and played this video at your NSM. Employees dancing around rapping about bumping up the dose to sell more addictive opioids. Telling people “how to be great” and that it’s “your decision.” You all seriously need to be ashamed. People died because of your actions. You hired a stripper with no skills or experience to be the Midwest RD and she pushed reps to bribe unscrupulous doctors to write more prescriptions. People are going to jail and they should. But even those who avoid jail time should accept their blame. Insys killed people in the name of profit.

I wonder if the two manicured metro boys dancing with the stripper RD are proud of their video today. Watch it again. Pretty embarrassing.
