Purdue contract question

I'm guessing this project is still in the screening process. Anyone from 6498 hearing more about the interview process in their area? I'm a bit late here, but looking to hear if interviews have been started/scheduled in any particular area. Thanks!

why are there now two start dates? I was told f2f with purdue dms first week feb; offers out feb 10; next 2 weeks verification, background checks; start date feb 27 with homestudy followed by march onsite training in ct to be ready for launch meeting fl 3/26.

Is it true there are two classes? I sure wasn't given the option. Nor have I heard from my new DM and no communication from the company since offer letter electronically signed and electronic paperwork, i.e. W4s, etc. I'm surprised to not hear anything about travel arrangements for training in Stamford and nothing has arrived yet for home study. Also would be nice to know travel details for launch mtg so I can prepare my household. Feel like I"m blowing in the wind out here. Has anybody else newly hired for this contract heard anything from anyone, i.e. DM, teammates, etc. Wondering if car will be available before or after the week in Stamford too.

I don't know about two training classes. We will have a rental car until our car arrives. The rental car is for when we return from training. The cars have been ordered though. The launch meeting in Orlando is from the 26 and flying home on the 29th. First day in the field is April 2nd. We get our lap tops at training so you will need to use your personal one for home training. Everything is online for the modules/testing. That's all I've heard so far.

Anybody know what kind of car was ordered? Has anyone heard directly from their DM? Seems like we should've gotten something by now to book travel to Stamford. anyone know where we are staying in Stamford? Roommates, I assume.

Anybody know what kind of car was ordered? Has anyone heard directly from their DM? Seems like we should've gotten something by now to book travel to Stamford. anyone know where we are staying in Stamford? Roommates, I assume.

I think the car is a new Taurus but not sure. I know that's what existing reps have. I just heard from a DM it was really nice and that's all.

Is it true there are two classes? I sure wasn't given the option. Nor have I heard from my new DM and no communication from the company since offer letter electronically signed and electronic paperwork, i.e. W4s, etc. I'm surprised to not hear anything about travel arrangements for training in Stamford and nothing has arrived yet for home study. Also would be nice to know travel details for launch mtg so I can prepare my household. Feel like I"m blowing in the wind out here. Has anybody else newly hired for this contract heard anything from anyone, i.e. DM, teammates, etc. Wondering if car will be available before or after the week in Stamford too.

Looks as if the same cry babies are at it again. Waaaaah!!!! My manager hasn't called me!!! Waaaaah!!! Doesn't my manager know that the world revolves around me? Waaah!!! You apparently haven't worked for Quintiles before. Can't believe you got the job. Did you fail to mention during the interview process that you like to complain about everything? Oh, that's right... your territory didn't have any requirements except... look good and have a 2.8 gpa. Doesn't matter that you have absolutely no selling skills whatsoever. This is going to be the easiest contract to cash in on ever. While everyone like you is sitting at home sucking their thumb..... I'll be kicking your ass.

Is it true there are two classes? I sure wasn't given the option. Nor have I heard from my new DM and no communication from the company since offer letter electronically signed and electronic paperwork, i.e. W4s, etc. I'm surprised to not hear anything about travel arrangements for training in Stamford and nothing has arrived yet for home study. Also would be nice to know travel details for launch mtg so I can prepare my household. Feel like I"m blowing in the wind out here. Has anybody else newly hired for this contract heard anything from anyone, i.e. DM, teammates, etc. Wondering if car will be available before or after the week in Stamford too.

This is classic. "I didn't know it was going to rain today!! Nobody told me. What am I supposed to do now?" F***ing whining little bitches!

why are there now two start dates? I was told f2f with purdue dms first week feb; offers out feb 10; next 2 weeks verification, background checks; start date feb 27 with homestudy followed by march onsite training in ct to be ready for launch meeting fl 3/26.

There are probably two start dates because DM's are already jumping out of this contract. They are already starting to backfill positions and it hasn't even started yet. HA HA....