I had the meet and greet phone call but still no start date...anyone know anything??
anonymous Guest anonymous   Feb 24, 2017 at 12:04: AM #21 anonymous Guest I had the meet and greet phone call but still no start date...anyone know anything??
anonymous Guest anonymous   Jul 12, 2017 at 08:03: PM #22 anonymous Guest Hows the new Purdue contract going for everyone?
anonymous Guest anonymous   Jul 13, 2017 at 11:27: AM #23 anonymous Guest There is no new Purdue contract. The contract for Symproic,for opioid induced constipation,went to Inventiv. The Ashfield contract for Purdue's Oxycontin was a complete disaster. It only lasted three months.
There is no new Purdue contract. The contract for Symproic,for opioid induced constipation,went to Inventiv. The Ashfield contract for Purdue's Oxycontin was a complete disaster. It only lasted three months.