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A few points - Miriam has nothing to do with this. And stop being mean. The problem dates back to Elazar, who could have made billions if he licensed his products, and yet he refused to relinquish control. The next issue is that the current scientific team was meant to just do Elazar's bidding - they have no independent value at all. So the issue is structural - we have an expensive team of worthless scientists, a pointless lab, and aging patents of little value. We also manufacture in Long Island - a very expensive place to run a business. I love my 10 minute commute, but why are we here? The Swiss office is very expensive, and provides little ROI. What should have been done at least 2 years ago, if not longer, would have been to shut the European operations down (despite the initial cost), close down the lab and research arm, and move the entire operation to a low cost state. Its essentially a catalogue business which resells products at low margin. And for that, blame a clueless Board, and two weak CEOs in a row.

A few points - Miriam has nothing to do with this. And stop being mean. The problem dates back to Elazar, who could have made billions if he licensed his products, and yet he refused to relinquish control. The next issue is that the current scientific team was meant to just do Elazar's bidding - they have no independent value at all. So the issue is structural - we have an expensive team of worthless scientists, a pointless lab, and aging patents of little value. We also manufacture in Long Island - a very expensive place to run a business. I love my 10 minute commute, but why are we here? The Swiss office is very expensive, and provides little ROI. What should have been done at least 2 years ago, if not longer, would have been to shut the European operations down (despite the initial cost), close down the lab and research arm, and move the entire operation to a low cost state. Its essentially a catalogue business which resells products at low margin. And for that, blame a clueless Board, and two weak CEOs in a row.
Billions you say? That is coming from someone who has no clue as to what little value Elazar's so called products had - USELESS.

The rest of your post I actually agree with.

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