Publicis's Future

Sorry you didn't get the job. Ever consider mattress sales? Pay is surpringly similar but retail hours kind of sucks. Working holiday sales when everyone else if off is disheartening
Honestly, if you had ever worked in aesthetics... you'd know... Christmas time is HUGE. That means programs, events, and promotional parties out of the wazoo. It starts in October and every weekend you are working your a$$ off because that is the numbr one quarter of the year. And I don't care if you're selling a procedure, a cosmetic, a device, or laser equipment. You will be working until you pass out. You have to. You'll be putting together bags with goodies and brochures, doing elaborate displays...which have to be constantly updated. And unlike mattress sales, the store doesn't close between 6-8pm every night. The store travels where you do! It's at parties on weekends and nights when you could be home with your family.
I started out in furniture sales. It was actually awesome experience. I worked hard and actually did well in aesthetics. But please don't be under the impression that it's less hours. The ride is like a storm and that's what it needs to be so that you'll survive and be successful. So in some ways it's more not less than furniture/mattress sales.

With all of the contracts being cut what is happening to Publicis?? Future is not looking very bright and there is now a gluten of reps unemployed.

Do they have anything in the works?? When looking at the job board it is very empty. The top brass better get their stuff together and start working. It is reminiscent of what happened to PDI.
PUblicis is a large company and contract sales is only a part of what they do. That being said, who cares what happens to Publicis? I don't think they are losing any sleep worrying about us.