Publicis Ocean Sales Team


I hesitate in asking this because I don't want it to turn into a CSO vs. Direct Rep debate, but I am curious what AZ reps think (if anything) of the fate of the Publicis Ocean Sales Team?

Do many of you believe they were brought on board to increase share of voice for Crestor in the face of Lipitor's patent expiration? Or more as cheaper replacements for many of the Crestor reps that will be laid off?

I am part of the Ocean team and I cannot see AZ ending the contract early, but with my current call list, market dynamics and number of reps in the territory (even if that shrinks down to two), I'm not even sure why they have me here! I don't see AZ letting us go early, but stranger things have happened and I'm at least wondering if there could be a restructuring on our side also?

Believe me, I feel for you guys and I can tell you that the majority of today's "contract reps" are no different than any of you... Formerly direct reps with big pharma companies, a lot of experience, faced with little opportunities other than contract. I find that it's still the same old thing, same job, but paycheck comes from a different place and is, yes - less. (Not as low as many of you may think though, and it still beats unemployment).

With that said, we are just trying to figure out how we're going to fit into this restructure. For now, most of us are just trying to make the most of these crazy call lists we've been given... Wondering if those call plans will improve, or if we will be gone sooner than we though as well.

I hesitate in asking this because I don't want it to turn into a CSO vs. Direct Rep debate, but I am curious what AZ reps think (if anything) of the fate of the Publicis Ocean Sales Team?

Do many of you believe they were brought on board to increase share of voice for Crestor in the face of Lipitor's patent expiration? Or more as cheaper replacements for many of the Crestor reps that will be laid off?

I am part of the Ocean team and I cannot see AZ ending the contract early, but with my current call list, market dynamics and number of reps in the territory (even if that shrinks down to two), I'm not even sure why they have me here! I don't see AZ letting us go early, but stranger things have happened and I'm at least wondering if there could be a restructuring on our side also?

Believe me, I feel for you guys and I can tell you that the majority of today's "contract reps" are no different than any of you... Formerly direct reps with big pharma companies, a lot of experience, faced with little opportunities other than contract. I find that it's still the same old thing, same job, but paycheck comes from a different place and is, yes - less. (Not as low as many of you may think though, and it still beats unemployment).

With that said, we are just trying to figure out how we're going to fit into this restructure. For now, most of us are just trying to make the most of these crazy call lists we've been given... Wondering if those call plans will improve, or if we will be gone sooner than we though as well.

I would say you are replacements and will most likely pick up more doctors and another AZ product.

I hesitate in asking this because I don't want it to turn into a CSO vs. Direct Rep debate, but I am curious what AZ reps think (if anything) of the fate of the Publicis Ocean Sales Team?

Do many of you believe they were brought on board to increase share of voice for Crestor in the face of Lipitor's patent expiration? Or more as cheaper replacements for many of the Crestor reps that will be laid off?

I am part of the Ocean team and I cannot see AZ ending the contract early, but with my current call list, market dynamics and number of reps in the territory (even if that shrinks down to two), I'm not even sure why they have me here! I don't see AZ letting us go early, but stranger things have happened and I'm at least wondering if there could be a restructuring on our side also?

Believe me, I feel for you guys and I can tell you that the majority of today's "contract reps" are no different than any of you... Formerly direct reps with big pharma companies, a lot of experience, faced with little opportunities other than contract. I find that it's still the same old thing, same job, but paycheck comes from a different place and is, yes - less. (Not as low as many of you may think though, and it still beats unemployment).

With that said, we are just trying to figure out how we're going to fit into this restructure. For now, most of us are just trying to make the most of these crazy call lists we've been given... Wondering if those call plans will improve, or if we will be gone sooner than we though as well.

Agree that contract sales are the wave of the future. HQ has picked up more contract people over time and that it is happening in sales as well. The difficulty is that you are temporarily working for any company that wants to add or terminate a contract. Naturally it follows that from the Pharma Co. stand point that this would be a positive.

My guess is that you could be more valuable than company reps for a drug like Crestor as it nears patent expiration, similar to a Nexium.

You're just trying to make a living and feed your families like everyone else. I can understand why Co. reps might take it out on contract reps since it can affect their job security, but it's the big Pharma company making the decisions, so anger on a contract rep is misdirected in my opinion.

No AZ created that with the metrics mentality. It wasn't sufficient to have results to show u were working. U in had to have sig b4 10a and after 3/4 pm whether md needed samples or not. Also didn't matter that u didn't haveenuf samples where they were needed. AZ made this mess by setting metric rules, they wanted to show anyone can do this. How's that working out?

It's hard to get a sig when AZ are dumping samples. In all fairness the crap target list doesn't help either. Some docs are so generic driven they just let the samples pile up.

No AZ created that with the metrics mentality. It wasn't sufficient to have results to show u were working. U in had to have sig b4 10a and after 3/4 pm whether md needed samples or not. Also didn't matter that u didn't haveenuf samples where they were needed. AZ made this mess by setting metric rules, they wanted to show anyone can do this. How's that working out?

I am constantly amazed at the mentality of some reps out there... Don't you get it? Whether you are a cso or a direct rep, this has turned into the SAME JOB. Years ago, contract was a way to get your foot in the door (and yes, some contracts are still only about sigs, sample drops, call activity), but again... It's ALL THE SAME now!! I worked for Big Pharma and now am on a contract - from what I can tell, that's the case with most of the Ocean Sales team - a wealth of experience actually and good people. But regardless, when we are in an office and when you are in an office, we all just do what we can! Sometimes that means having a breakfast or lunch and a good, productive conversation with the doctor. Sometime it's seeing the doc and trying to sell on a quick stand-up, build a relationship, etc. Sometimes (more and more) it means witnessing a signature and waving to the doc. And unfortunately, sometimes (for those that don't worry about it), it means just passing the computer back and waiting for a signature while leaving literature behind.

I mean REALLY, I know there are people out there that rationalize what they do by pretending they're so much better than others, but c'mon! It's the job itself, it's the companies we work for, it's the primary care offices... It's not whether you work directly for the company or not! Half the time everyone's out there just trying to check the boxes, so don't pretend you're something you're not or that you're so much better. I see you in the offices and it's no different.

Bottom-line, if you want to keep working in this industry (and many of us don't but we can't yet give it up), you may be hoping for one of these CSO jobs. Like it or not. Either way, good luck with it all.

Anyone else remember the lie they told us when they originally informed us there was going to be a CSO team selling Crestor???? It was that if there were going to be layoffs at AZ, the CSOs would be the FIRST to go...guess I must have missed where they announced the contract was ending!

The Only beef I have with CSO is the way they compensate reps on their bonus structure. It is often based on reach and frequency/calls achieved vs calls assigned. So the incentive to get their bonus is not based off of product growth. But punching their ticket. There are obviously some CSO reps out there doing a great job. But growth of the product is secondary to getting the reach and freq. A poor design for new product growth. That's why CSOs will be for the mature cornerstone products but not the new meds. With AZs track record for bringing new meds to market all the AZ PSS jobs may be in peril

...A poor design for new product growth. That's why CSOs will be for the mature cornerstone products but not the new meds. With AZs track record for bringing new meds to market all the AZ PSS jobs may be in peril

Look how many drugs are cornerstone now. Probably a light product message with sampling maintains profit margins well enough on a very mature product. The drug is established and heavy hitting messages have reached a plateau. The increased costs of a sales force justifies a CSO in the Pharma Co. eyes.

The Only beef I have with CSO is the way they compensate reps on their bonus structure. It is often based on reach and frequency/calls achieved vs calls assigned. So the incentive to get their bonus is not based off of product growth. But punching their ticket. There are obviously some CSO reps out there doing a great job. But growth of the product is secondary to getting the reach and freq. A poor design for new product growth. That's why CSOs will be for the mature cornerstone products but not the new meds. With AZs track record for bringing new meds to market all the AZ PSS jobs may be in peril

The CSA's bonus is structured this way, but the CSO's bonus is based on increasing Crestor NRx volume. So you are wrong.

It's hard to get a sig when AZ are dumping samples. In all fairness the crap target list doesn't help either. Some docs are so generic driven they just let the samples pile up.

I agree that over sampling can be bad but in general the CSO team is not leaving enough samples. The game is sample to script ratio which is tracked in touchstone reports. A 1 To 4 ratio ( script to samples) is the norm for the stain class. It may appear samples plie up but the shipping system has been so inconsistent at times we are trying to make sure that samples don't run out. And the touchstone history is off so we can't see that your samples are coming.

I agree that over sampling can be bad but in general the CSO team is not leaving enough samples. The game is sample to script ratio which is tracked in touchstone reports. A 1 To 4 ratio ( script to samples) is the norm for the stain class. It may appear samples plie up but the shipping system has been so inconsistent at times we are trying to make sure that samples don't run out. And the touchstone history is off so we can't see that your samples are coming.

Shipping inconsistent? Touchstone history off? Next thing you'll say is that a Prescribers ability to write is turned on and off for no apparent reason. Surely you MUST be mistaken!

Shipping inconsistent? Touchstone history off? Next thing you'll say is that a Prescribers ability to write is turned on and off for no apparent reason. Surely you MUST be mistaken!

Sorry, I forgot that you have been selling Crestor for two months and using sample send & " tombstone "for 2 months so you are the expert.

And yes the prescribers ability to write is turned on and off.... it is called IMS data policy which states that the data is " never redacted " which means Mr. " I am the smartest person ever " that some months if the computer system goes down such as the CVS/caremark fiasco that you don't get credit for the rxes....... which depending on your territory that can cause a major crash !!!!!!!!!

PAY ATTENTION look at the data !!!! All I can say is that I have CSO that is great another that calls on doctors who dead and on vacation.

STOP bitching about the AZ reps just do your job... I have not busted my CSO that is calling on doctor that is no longer practicing and she is call faking at least 99 % of the time .... so lighten up

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