
Uh oh…….looks like Mahaffy’s corrupt plan that moved 1/3 of our shares to a buyer during the last several years isn’t a secret anymore and investors are coming for Pat’s head. Not to mention criminal charges and civil suits that he has exposed himself and our board to.

Criminal Mahaffy's 3 year plan did not exactly stay a secret and criminal charges will be pursued against him

bruh we are at 35 cents, if what you say is true this will be trading at +$5 not the other way around

It said July, this is now December. Mahaffy claimed all summer that he was securing funding to employees so clearly he lied or failed and even worse while he blocked an offer that he called “far too low” in a meeting with Senior and Middle Management. Thanks Pat, you screwed everyone.

It said July, this is now December. Mahaffy claimed all summer that he was securing funding to employees so clearly he lied or failed and even worse while he blocked an offer that he called “far too low” in a meeting with Senior and Middle Management. Thanks Pat, you screwed everyone.
If he said the offer was low, he must have presented an alternative plan that appeased the board? If the board had a problem back then, why didn't they fire him sooner, they must have the vote to out him. Why wait until December when they are on the brink of BK?

If he said the offer was low, he must have presented an alternative plan that appeased the board? If the board had a problem back then, why didn't they fire him sooner, they must have the vote to out him. Why wait until December when they are on the brink of BK?

Every single option that Pat presented and/or tried over the prior 4 years were all things that kept him in the driver seat. They all failed for a reason, Pat, the same reason the sale of the company was blocked by Pat for other options that were then killed due to Pat’s inability.

Every single option that Pat presented and/or tried over the prior 4 years were all things that kept him in the driver seat. They all failed for a reason, Pat, the same reason the sale of the company was blocked by Pat for other options that were then killed due to Pat’s inability.

Of course Pat is only there for himself. What I'm asking is why did the board not act sooner if they viewed him as a threat for 4 years and a impediment for the company

Of course Pat is only there for himself. What I'm asking is why did the board not act sooner if they viewed him as a threat for 4 years and a impediment for the company

The board let Mahaffy do whatever he wanted regardless of the failed outcomes. His convertible financing wasn’t necessary as other options existed and on and on. The clown couldn’t manage shit, as his endless spending proved. Pat Mahaffy committed extraordinary fraud by preventing the sale of CLVS and the board of directors should all be investigated for allowing it to travel this path for this long.

The board let Mahaffy do whatever he wanted regardless of the failed outcomes. His convertible financing wasn’t necessary as other options existed and on and on. The clown couldn’t manage shit, as his endless spending proved. Pat Mahaffy committed extraordinary fraud by preventing the sale of CLVS and the board of directors should all be investigated for allowing it to travel this path for this long.

His plan would have worked if stock price was above $6 and debt holders could convert to stock, but short sellers saw through the BS and capitalized on Pat's idiocracy

His plan would have worked if stock price was above $6 and debt holders could convert to stock, but short sellers saw through the BS and capitalized on Pat's idiocracy

All the same people, convert holders and debt financing holders are the short positions. This is why Mahaffy did all of this and our pathetic directors never existed to stop it. We should have been sold years ago, Pat has pulled some foul shit that probably has a criminal element to it if anyone with actual power looked into it. Pat did nothing to avoid this, actually the opposite. He took actions to force us into this, he never tried to prevent with measurable action.

His plan would have worked if stock price was above $6 and debt holders could convert to stock, but short sellers saw through the BS and capitalized on Pat's idiocracy

Yeah….if the share price was only 2,000% HIGHER…….holy fraudulent failures “led” by a financial criminal that needs to be indicted