Nice scummy low ball responses. Whether you agree or not with the "patients" means of education or "state of mind" be professional, which you obviously can not!
1.) if you were a true Sales person- you would address the concerns.."concentrically". Since you did not nor can not that speaks volumes of your abilities
2.) If your a manager- well bullying and marginalizing just cost you. The fact that you can not engage in meaningful discourse or guide the conversation shows your lack of credibility, leadership and overall tact.
3.) Marketing- nice posts! keep up the good work. I guess you missed the patient engagement part in your "months of experience" getting kicked out of offices as a field pleb.
Once again you take an opportunity of learning and growth and turn it into a dung heap. Enjoy the ride as this will be as good as it gets in your career. lol.
To the patient, an ethical company would wish you well in your journey to health. Good luck.
Read the original post more closely you massive idiot. It's not a patient but rather a troll (maybe your wife). This is stupid beyond words. Do us all a favor and Fck Off!