Propspective Patient Advice ZOLL Life Vest & Scare Tactics

Nice scummy low ball responses. Whether you agree or not with the "patients" means of education or "state of mind" be professional, which you obviously can not!
1.) if you were a true Sales person- you would address the concerns.."concentrically". Since you did not nor can not that speaks volumes of your abilities

2.) If your a manager- well bullying and marginalizing just cost you. The fact that you can not engage in meaningful discourse or guide the conversation shows your lack of credibility, leadership and overall tact.

3.) Marketing- nice posts! keep up the good work. I guess you missed the patient engagement part in your "months of experience" getting kicked out of offices as a field pleb.
Once again you take an opportunity of learning and growth and turn it into a dung heap. Enjoy the ride as this will be as good as it gets in your career. lol.

To the patient, an ethical company would wish you well in your journey to health. Good luck.

Read the original post more closely you massive idiot. It's not a patient but rather a troll (maybe your wife). This is stupid beyond words. Do us all a favor and Fck Off!

Read the original post more closely you massive idiot. It's not a patient but rather a troll (maybe your wife). This is stupid beyond words. Do us all a favor and Fck Off!

angry, overcompensating "widdle man"....ahhh. Did somebody get their feelings hurt? Speaking of wives, I am sure your alimony club loves your short temper and easy going Tell #3 I will be over at 3:00 tomorrow, don't worry we will expense it and you will sign off on it.

I advise avoiding the LifeVest if you can. My experience with Zoll and the Zoll Lifevest has been very poor.

Pros: It might? save your life

List of Cons:

Con: Poor customer service. When requesting information on airline travel with the lifevest I had to make multiple calls. I would be told they were emailing information and then never received promised info forcing me to call back.

Con: Poor customer service. When I spoke to the billing department that is supposed to answer billing and insurance information the representative refused to provide me with any billing information, costs etc. I was told that if I wanted any information to contact my insurance company. What kind of company refuses to tell a customer How Much?

Con: Very expensive. Insurance coverage is limited and cost to the insurance company is over $3000 a month . My out of pocket after 3 months is over $1800 and next month the out of pocket would be the full $3000+. Claims made by Zoll on insurance coverage for the device may not be true. I recommend patients check with their insurance carrier for specific coverage.

Con: Zoll appears to be making false claims to doctors. Zoll representatives are telling doctors that Zoll is working with patients and offering payment plans to those in financial need. That is not true. Due to money issues and new insurance I can not afford the Zoll vest in 2017. I have no past due amount and no late payments. When I called and had to discuss returning the vest because of financial concerns all the Zoll representative does is instruct you on returning the equipment. There is no offer of assistance or payment plan..

Con: Causes significant skin irritation and sores if used for more than a month or two. I began to develop open sores where the sensors are in contact with the skin. Similar to bedsores and inevitable when you have something pressing against the skin 24 hours a day.

Con: False alarms - I have to unplug the unit wait 15 seconds and plug it back in. It then works OK for a while. Constant fear that it may go off inadvertently. The alarm is loud, but not loud enough in all circumstances. I sometimes work in a loud environment and have had the alarm go off and not hear it. There is a real danger the unit could discharge when there is no heart issue. If it goes off at the incorrect time it can stop a beating heart.

For those with very low EF numbers it may be worth the cost and pain. It also may be the only way a hospital will release you after being diagnosed with a heart medical issue. However at over $3000 a month, a billing department that will not discuss billing, questionable statements on insurance coverage for the device, Zoll making false claims to doctors about assisting patients in financial need, and very poor customer service I cannot recommend this device or company. Company appears to only be concerned about $$$$ and not patients.

I had to return mine because I cannot afford $$$$$ month after month. I would have been at $5000 out of pocket after only 4 months if I had not returned the equipment.

Another satisfied customer, warms my heart! NOT!! This is a business you jabronie, not an Obama welfare handout like you think you deserve. This system will eventually replace all ICD's in their current format. Back Down! Mother Zoll is here to stay! Woohoo

I was prescribed zoll vest and there really does seem to be some scam going on? I have not found good info yet that is not controlled by zoll. I know the internet can be scrubbed if you pay for it. When I got my last ECG the tech said I was at 30% or greater EF. The DOC changed it to below 25% EF. I have no considerable palpitations post bypass surgery. The DOC prescribing the vest refused to schedule ECG before 90 days even though I am only 54 ................... Cardio rehab has many hours of solid recordings of no real palpations and no one looking at it !?!

I was prescribed zoll vest and there really does seem to be some scam going on? I have not found good info yet that is not controlled by zoll. I know the internet can be scrubbed if you pay for it. When I got my last ECG the tech said I was at 30% or greater EF. The DOC changed it to below 25% EF. I have no considerable palpitations post bypass surgery. The DOC prescribing the vest refused to schedule ECG before 90 days even though I am only 54 ................... Cardio rehab has many hours of solid recordings of no real palpations and no one looking at it !?!

Your Doctor is incredible!!!! How did he interpret EF from your ECG. I suggest getting a new Dr. If your a ZOLL rep just writing bullshit I suggest you learn a little more about Cardiology.

I was prescribed zoll vest and there really does seem to be some scam going on? I have not found good info yet that is not controlled by zoll. I know the internet can be scrubbed if you pay for it. When I got my last ECG the tech said I was at 30% or greater EF. The DOC changed it to below 25% EF. I have no considerable palpitations post bypass surgery. The DOC prescribing the vest refused to schedule ECG before 90 days even though I am only 54 ................... Cardio rehab has many hours of solid recordings of no real palpations and no one looking at it !?!

You always have the option of requesting a second opinion read on the echo. Technically the study may have had limitations that limited the results. However, 5% variance might be due to individual eyeball or technique but your numbers still haven't normalized. You have to make the decision is <1% worth all the worry? You are out 40 days perhaps a telemetry monitor for a couple days could guide the decision.

I cannot believe anything would take medical advice from a website that has only negative people posting. For a you the Paitient, you ahould ONLY listen to your CD/MD, a website is not the place to cast your future, as all websites are biased. Please discuss with your CD, impariative!