Propping up a phony job: Depressing or Debilitating

For the old timers...remember physicians would tell us, one by one, why our products are so great? How each of them changed the way they practiced medicine and the lives of their patients? I remember a physician asked the tenured rep I was following around how to dose Mefoxin (IV antibiotics) for his patient who was in the hospital. How they addressed each other by first names. That was the level of trust and credibility of Merck reps with their customers then. Look at us now and the damage is all self inflicted.

You have it so right my friend..I remember those days well. But, political correctness, the MBA's of the world, and EEO hires have destroyed us, not to mention a complete failure in R&D. I know people who would do anything to join Merck many years ago. It wasnt too long ago that the senior leadership of the company was still asking us to stay and not leave to other industries of other pharma companies. And, Im not talking about the EEO employees that are well qualified. The fact is, there are not many. We have been plunged down the toilet by a continuous assault on our senses and logic by a marketing department that for the most part has never been in the field. Remember those days when you had to be in the field to get to some of these headquarter jobs? Remember when people at the NSC were actually sales reps for a period of time? Now what do we get? We get a third party who charges Merck $500 dollars to administer our MMF programs when we did it as our job description. The truly sad thing about it is that it is too entrenched, too many levels of beauracrats looking out for themselves(with good reason), and too many PR disasters to ever pull us out. Im just doing my time until they tell me its time to go. I give it 5 years at the maximum. Three to four years more realistically. There's so many things wrong with this company-you cant fix one thing until you fix something else before that. And, that never ends.