Proove Bioscience


Proove and Renaissance RX were the biggest bribers in the PGX market years ago with their phony studies. Those companies abused broad coverage indications, tried to exploid research payment loopholes, took hundreds of millions of dollars and caused the huge backlash by Insurers that took PGX testing out of prescribers hands for years. It was YEARS that patients couldn't get a PGX test to help them with their medications because of Meshkin and the like.

Reap it.

And don't let the physicians who held their hands out for those bribes off the hook!

Did Brian ever publish his book?

this was posted on his website. I’d ask him via twitter but he’s been missing since April...Hmmmmm

“Brian is publishing a book in the fall of 2019 entitled, Proove It! to document the experience and share lessons learned with others to spare them the pain he experienced”.

Kickback definition, a percentage of income given to a person in a position of power or influence as payment for having made the income possible: usually considered improper or unethical.

Think the feds got the cayman island accounts? ?????

When someone, not mentioning any names chose a place to hide out in Fl, said person was drunk. He thought he was living in Nipples. Turned out to be Naples.
Didn’t work Feds tracked him down.


Proove and Renaissance RX were the biggest bribers in the PGX market years ago with their phony studies. Those companies abused broad coverage indications, tried to exploid research payment loopholes, took hundreds of millions of dollars and caused the huge backlash by Insurers that took PGX testing out of prescribers hands for years. It was YEARS that patients couldn't get a PGX test to help them with their medications because of Meshkin and the like.

Reap it.

And don't let the physicians who held their hands out for those bribes off the hook!

What a bunch of fools, letting him speak and spew his made up narrative. Sweet sweet justice is coming for this arrogant crook and his brainless minions. The wait for the wheels of justice to turn has only made it that much sweeter. There is a sea of people that Meshkin left in his wake who have now recovered from the collateral damage of Meshkin’s maniacal ego who are cheering for him to take the grandest fall. From Ladera ranch mansion to prison cell. He deserves it all.


Proove and Renaissance RX were the biggest bribers in the PGX market years ago with their phony studies. Those companies abused broad coverage indications, tried to exploid research payment loopholes, took hundreds of millions of dollars and caused the huge backlash by Insurers that took PGX testing out of prescribers hands for years. It was YEARS that patients couldn't get a PGX test to help them with their medications because of Meshkin and the like.

Reap it.

And don't let the physicians who held their hands out for those bribes off the hook!


Proove and Renaissance RX were the biggest bribers in the PGX market years ago with their phony studies. Those companies abused broad coverage indications, tried to exploid research payment loopholes, took hundreds of millions of dollars and caused the huge backlash by Insurers that took PGX testing out of prescribers hands for years. It was YEARS that patients couldn't get a PGX test to help them with their medications because of Meshkin and the like.

Reap it.

And don't let the physicians who held their hands out for those bribes off the hook!

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