Proove Bioscience

Brian is a nobody. No one cares what he has to say even in his hail days at Proove not to talk of now that Proove is dead. He takes himself too seriously. Where important people are being discussed Meshkin is just a flea, a little guy and a riff raff.

Hi Bryan,

Number one, I don't like you at all
Number two, your freakin lame lwebsite is so long to read I gave up on reading it. Something about 3 ex employees screwing you? Umm it was more like half the company oh and btw, a couple of your closest people stabbed you from behind. Too bad you will never know

Everyone at Proove hated you Brian. They all saw you as a phony and con man, even those closet to you. More than half the company reported you to the OIG. So, this is not a story of a few disgruntled employees or three ungrateful employees who turned against you.

Stop playing the victim card. You have nothing to stand on. Your greed, corruption amd thirst for fame damaged your life.

Takes year+ for FBI, OIG and DOJ investigation. More corrupt doctors, taking longer as fraud case increases. Crazy website. I feel sorry for BRIAN. Orange is the new Meshkin.

Maybe Bubba and Pedro with enough Brian bend over can fix his colitis.
He’s gonna be their bitch. Couldn’t happen to such a nice man.

Everyone at Proove hated you Brian. They all saw you as a phony and con man, even those closet to you. More than half the company reported you to the OIG. So, this is not a story of a few disgruntled employees or three ungrateful employees who turned against you.

Stop playing the victim card. You have nothing to stand on. Your greed, corruption amd thirst for fame damaged your life.

Brian Meshkin, we all know that you are posting on your own behalf pretending to be someone who supports you. Even after reading your new website which is a twisted attempt to paint yourself as a victim of everyone, employees, FBI, upper management, all the reps you ripped off, etc. pretty much everyone but you, it only proves how desperate you are. The only friends that you might have are from Maryland that don’t know who you really are and the truth of what you have done. Google your own name and read, that’s just a small part. You need clinical help. No one that has ever worked for you have anything good to say about you, unless they themselves are guilty of all that you are being accused of. Most of, if not all of the other company’s you have started and failed have questionable circumstances and unhappy employees just as you have now. I’m sure you were turned by many of the 200 plus employees you say worked. For you. If you do the crime you do the time. Time will tell. Enjoy yourself

Brian Meshkin, we all know that you are posting on your own behalf pretending to be someone who supports you. Even after reading your new website which is a twisted attempt to paint yourself as a victim of everyone, employees, FBI, upper management, all the reps you ripped off, etc. pretty much everyone but you, it only proves how desperate you are. The only friends that you might have are from Maryland that don’t know who you really are and the truth of what you have done. Google your own name and read, that’s just a small part. You need clinical help. No one that has ever worked for you have anything good to say about you, unless they themselves are guilty of all that you are being accused of. Most of, if not all of the other company’s you have started and failed have questionable circumstances and unhappy employees just as you have now. I’m sure you were turned by many of the 200 plus employees you say worked. For you. If you do the crime you do the time. Time will tell. Enjoy yourself
Im sure you were turned by many of the 200 plus employees and Reps you say worked for you.( this is a correction for the letter to Brian)

Brian Meshkin feigns ignorance of the person who created the proovebio elaborate website. This man is a pathological liar. I hope he gets what he deserves to instill some humility into his psychopathic personality. Get help Meshkin, call your local psychiatrist.

Fat Joe trolls these boards, he is unemployed and this board is the only thing in life he has left. Joe also ripped reps off so that’s why he is mentioned often, he is the devil, personally and professionally.

Brian Michigan’s pathetic attempt to save proove is actually comical
If you want to research whether or not the test results or valid speak to a few of the higher profile accounts that the proove had and ended up losing because of their bogus test results. Optim orthopedics Savannah Georgia, hope research Institute Phoenix Arizona, National spine and pain, I could go on and on.
Brian specifically told research assistanea that every single person that walks in a doctors office was a candidate for proove testing regardless of what they were there for.
He is a liar and a crook .

Fat Joe trolls these boards, he is unemployed and this board is the only thing in life he has left. Joe also ripped reps off so that’s why he is mentioned often, he is the devil, personally and professionally.

Brian Meshkin, we all know that you are posting on your own behalf pretending to be someone who supports you. Even after reading your new website which is a twisted attempt to paint yourself as a victim of everyone, employees, FBI, upper management, all the reps you ripped off, etc. pretty much everyone but you, it only proves how desperate you are. The only friends that you might have are from Maryland that don’t know who you really are and the truth of what you have done. Google your own name and read, that’s just a small part. You need clinical help. No one that has ever worked for you have anything good to say about you, unless they themselves are guilty of all that you are being accused of. Most of, if not all of the other company’s you have started and failed have questionable circumstances and unhappy employees just as you have now. I’m sure you were turned by many of the 200 plus employees you say worked. For you. If you do the crime you do the time. Time will tell. Enjoy yourself