Promotions based on Favortism


A study from Georgetown University suggests what we at Novartis already know....Promotions are based on Favortism.

83% of executive level managers state that favortism plays a large role on who is promoted and who is not within large organizations. (info is located on

Let see if it "holds any water" here at Novartis....

Example 1 - 9 years ago this happened.... one of our podmates got promoted after 6 months in job to CV specialty when she had ZERO prior pharma expreience, while the rest of us were here for at least 3-4 years. She did have a decent body though - CHECK!!!

Example 2 - rep got promoted into Management development b/c he was current manager's side-kick/ drinking buddy...went on to be a manager for 4 years, ruined careers and got demoted! - CHECK!!

Example 3 - Some chick in another district had the tri-fecta (african amercian, female, pregnant) got promoted into management development, ruined people's careers (both male & female) and got second promotion! AWESOME - CHECK!!!

Georgetown could have saved a ton of dough on this study if they just called some reps at Novartis who work hard and get screwed consistently!!!

AGREE! Georgetown could have have just visited Oncology Global Development where percentage of promotions based on favortism vs. competence is at least 99 vs. 83.

A study from Georgetown University suggests what we at Novartis already know....Promotions are based on Favortism.

83% of executive level managers state that favortism plays a large role on who is promoted and who is not within large organizations. (info is located on

Let see if it "holds any water" here at Novartis....

Example 1 - 9 years ago this happened.... one of our podmates got promoted after 6 months in job to CV specialty when she had ZERO prior pharma expreience, while the rest of us were here for at least 3-4 years. She did have a decent body though - CHECK!!!

Example 2 - rep got promoted into Management development b/c he was current manager's side-kick/ drinking buddy...went on to be a manager for 4 years, ruined careers and got demoted! - CHECK!!

Example 3 - Some chick in another district had the tri-fecta (african amercian, female, pregnant) got promoted into management development, ruined people's careers (both male & female) and got second promotion! AWESOME - CHECK!!!

Georgetown could have saved a ton of dough on this study if they just called some reps at Novartis who work hard and get screwed consistently!!!

No doubt that the subjective portion of your yearly evaluation has much to do with favoritism. It's also the way that management uses to manage out those they wish not to keep. If you don't get a 3 in values and behaviors and an ass kisser in your pod does what does that tell you? The objective portion is set, if a drug meets the numbers everyone promoting that drug gets that number but the attitude your Mgr has towards you as an individual is what decides those who stay and those who are let go.

No doubt that the subjective portion of your yearly evaluation has much to do with favoritism. It's also the way that management uses to manage out those they wish not to keep. If you don't get a 3 in values and behaviors and an ass kisser in your pod does what does that tell you? The objective portion is set, if a drug meets the numbers everyone promoting that drug gets that number but the attitude your Mgr has towards you as an individual is what decides those who stay and those who are let go.

This person is the smartest person I have ever heard on the Novartis Board. That is why values and behaviors were added to the year end evaluation. They were used to get rid of people either the DM doesn't like or just to get rid of you like they did last year with the layoffs. A rep. can have a 2 or 3 in sales, compete for President's Club every year if not every other year, have one of the best territories in the District and Region, make your DM and RD a bunch of money and then tell you that your just not committed enough. The kicker is that you have an ass kisser and a dumb ass who gets 3's and rank at the lower middle or the bottom, your carrying the damn district on one product and at the top with the others. These 2 boneheads are the smartest people in the room.
When I started in this business it was getting the job done and now it kissing ass. As one manager told me it's not about sales it's about values and behaviors. Cash that commission check at the bank.
Well Boys and Girls it's all going to play out again the December 2011.

This person is the smartest person I have ever heard on the Novartis Board. That is why values and behaviors were added to the year end evaluation. They were used to get rid of people either the DM doesn't like or just to get rid of you like they did last year with the layoffs. A rep. can have a 2 or 3 in sales, compete for President's Club every year if not every other year, have one of the best territories in the District and Region, make your DM and RD a bunch of money and then tell you that your just not committed enough. The kicker is that you have an ass kisser and a dumb ass who gets 3's and rank at the lower middle or the bottom, your carrying the damn district on one product and at the top with the others. These 2 boneheads are the smartest people in the room.
When I started in this business it was getting the job done and now it kissing ass. As one manager told me it's not about sales it's about values and behaviors. Cash that commission check at the bank.
Well Boys and Girls it's all going to play out again the December 2011.

Bingo - the NEOU has made this standard operating practice for years and with Bob Matheny at the helm I would expect further refinements of this management practice - would rejoice if he was ultimately a victim of his own sordid past behavior.

Lets face it, the main reason someone is viewed as a winner at this company is due to where they live (Geo influenced sales results), what they look like (Attractiveness) and how much the suck up to the manager and director. I saw the most incompetent people get awards and praise while other hard working individuals where treated horrible and eventually left the company.

It's that way at Ciba Vision too. If the manager likes you, you get a promotion, a salary increase and can do pretty much whatever you want. If they don't like you, you get nothing or they get rid of you.

We had a manager in Central Valley. WHo would pretend to be so fair all the time. But, she had two people in the whole team she will do any damn thing for them. But, if you ask what you really need and you know she okeyed with those two reps. She will say NO. What a freaking joke. She has been there 25 plus years/

Lets face it, the main reason someone is viewed as a winner at this company is due to where they live (Geo influenced sales results), what they look like (Attractiveness) and how much the suck up to the manager and director. I saw the most incompetent people get awards and praise while other hard working individuals where treated horrible and eventually left the company.

Welcome to Tennessee. Silly awards have actually been given to district members who were in the bottom 25% of the ranks. Giving a tube of lipstick to a pig, I say. Pathetic state of affairs. Horrible leadership.