Project Swift

Or if it’s a administrative assistant position with the micromanager himself. Do not accept.

The company’s reputation is destroyed.

I really hope my friends escape this mess. It’s such an mentally unstable place to be. I have the medical bills to prove. I needed a change to find a work life balance.

You can get SAP at Office
You can get E mail at Home
You can’t work at home if you work at lab or warehouse

What if you don’t use SAP or E Mail?

This place is the biggest cluster fuck imaginable.

Keep delegating duties to India.

You can get SAP at Office
You can get E mail at Home
You can’t work at home if you work at lab or warehouse

What if you don’t use SAP or E Mail?

This place is the biggest cluster fuck imaginable.

Keep delegating duties to India.

So glad I left that Shit Hole. The Clown Finance Officer was so non transparent about Project Swift with his staff. Hope he is thrilled not having to pay 6 figure salaries to people who had passion and produced valid numbers to what he probably has now in India. HeeeeeeHeeeeeeHeeeee

Still a complete shit show.

All they do is want to cut costs, not hire people, but give more work to do.

“Do more with less” is a death sentence for us poor employees.

Voted WORST company to work for 2022-2023.