Project Hercules = Big Job Cuts

Under the great leadership of Brian the favorite brother in law of King Almedia, medical devices is transforming (laying off) small timers. All big Fish remain untouched i.e PMO, R&D and Marketing management (some like Rub Claypole i heard even got promoted) to name the few.

For example in CT, the very people in leadership roles responsible for the mess are planning transformation. Some of these phony leaders have none or very little formal education and happen to be the VPs of PMO, R&D (due to their unmatched ability to kiss assss and keep quite when the ship was sinking for their own benefit) are deciding the faith of many talented people.

Shareholders beware!

Under the great leadership of Brian the favorite brother in law of King Almedia, medical devices is transforming (laying off) small timers. All big Fish remain untouched i.e PMO, R&D and Marketing management (some like Rub Claypole i heard even got promoted) to name the few.

For example in CT, the very people in leadership roles responsible for the mess are planning transformation. Some of these phony leaders have none or very little formal education and happen to be the VPs of PMO, R&D (due to their unmatched ability to kiss assss and keep quite when the ship was sinking for their own benefit) are deciding the faith of many talented people.

Shareholders beware!


Under the great leadership of Brian the favorite brother in law of King Almedia, medical devices is transforming (laying off) small timers. All big Fish remain untouched i.e PMO, R&D and Marketing management (some like Rub Claypole i heard even got promoted) to name the few.

For example in CT, the very people in leadership roles responsible for the mess are planning transformation. Some of these phony leaders have none or very little formal education and happen to be the VPs of PMO, R&D (due to their unmatched ability to kiss assss and keep quite when the ship was sinking for their own benefit) are deciding the faith of many talented people.

Shareholders beware!

What's the mess? Other division reps from other divisions are talking me they don't understand layoffs they are hiring.

Under the great leadership of Brian the favorite brother in law of King Almedia, medical devices is transforming (laying off) small timers. All big Fish remain untouched i.e PMO, R&D and Marketing management (some like Rub Claypole i heard even got promoted) to name the few.

For example in CT, the very people in leadership roles responsible for the mess are planning transformation. Some of these phony leaders have none or very little formal education and happen to be the VPs of PMO, R&D (due to their unmatched ability to kiss assss and keep quite when the ship was sinking for their own benefit) are deciding the faith of many talented people.

Shareholders beware!

No worries, J&J doing the same one knows what the future holds for devices so all the companies are doing the same "transforming", totally reactionary to the unstable healthcare market and only going to get more exciting as the med device tax starts in 2013. Just roll with it.

There may be no need for drastic job cuts on the Sales Force when so many are willing to sacrifice themselves first. Based on typical turnover and the hiring freeze most of the "cuts" are being performed by the reps themselves. The negativity being fed on this site and encouraging others to leave the company is in essence saving the rest of us.

There may be no need for drastic job cuts on the Sales Force when so many are willing to sacrifice themselves first. Based on typical turnover and the hiring freeze most of the "cuts" are being performed by the reps themselves. The negativity being fed on this site and encouraging others to leave the company is in essence saving the rest of us.

You Wish

There may be no need for drastic job cuts on the Sales Force when so many are willing to sacrifice themselves first. Based on typical turnover and the hiring freeze most of the "cuts" are being performed by the reps themselves. The negativity being fed on this site and encouraging others to leave the company is in essence saving the rest of us.


I would have to agree. My surgical solutions counterparts in both groups in my city are all actively looking. We see each other at interviews. We have many many years of experience between us. A very veteran team. All of us are having a rare off year. Our managers are putting undue pressure on us and pushe us all to feel the new to get out of here. One of us is going deep in the process with intuitive, another with Medtronic and another for an administrative position with our big hospital. I am still looking. It is ashamed because there is a very good chance that there will be no Covidien reps in this place. Just last year and may before we were the big guns around this place. All because of undue pressure and the crap hat comes with having one bad year.

Under the great leadership of Brian the favorite brother in law of King Almedia, medical devices is transforming (laying off) small timers. All big Fish remain untouched i.e PMO, R&D and Marketing management (some like Rub Claypole i heard even got promoted) to name the few.

For example in CT, the very people in leadership roles responsible for the mess are planning transformation. Some of these phony leaders have none or very little formal education and happen to be the VPs of PMO, R&D (due to their unmatched ability to kiss assss and keep quite when the ship was sinking for their own benefit) are deciding the faith of many talented people.

Shareholders beware!

Not Sure what happened to my previous remark but here it is again...

"We will have to do more with less" - I believe that was the message from Joe Almeida back at the company update in March or April... that was priceless!

Last week we heard some inept directors and VPs started to cut their worker bees in New Haven. What’s next, Bryan H and Joe A?

While you are appointing new presidents and VPs and your direct reports are making these cuts, it doesn’t seem that you get rid of bureaucracy, as you announced few months ago. Guess the upper management will survive and “do more with less”...

Thanks for running a soap opera!

no changes until FY'13. Suture will go bye bye, sold by contracts. EMID and Energy will combine in FY'14, hernia will downsize FY'13. Lots of recruiters calling again, they know people want out. There are no opportunities in a company that is downsizing. There are good jobs out there that pay as much or more for good salespeople, no need to panic.

Last week we heard some inept directors and VPs started to cut their worker bees in New Haven. What’s next, Bryan H and Joe A?

While you are appointing new presidents and VPs and your direct reports are making these cuts, it doesn’t seem that you get rid of bureaucracy, as you announced few months ago. Guess the upper management will survive and “do more with less”...

Thanks for running a soap opera!

They left out a few words in that famous quote "do more with less" he meant to say

"Do more with China less with America"

Upper management's new primary customer is not the user of the product nor their patients. Their primary customers are the stock holders of COV. Joe A couldn't agree fast enough with Kramer on how to make COV more enticing of a stock.

so my manager who usually calls me way too much has not called all day today..... I know all about the Ethicon cuts and our non creative upper management has said more than once that they want to be in alignment with our "peer" companies......

So Ethicon has always had more reps in the field than us, right? So now are we in alignment with them? they cut 4 of every 7 in sales and sales management?

I am sure Boston Consulting Group came up with the spin name, Project Hercules. What a freakin' joke. I try to do my job and the anxiety of not knowing if we have a job in 6 months makes me really not care.

Since powered stapling is dead in the water, Thunderbeat isn't the competitive threat we thought it was, and we're just going to acquire new stuff, R&D can get thinned out a bit. Maybe they can use the savings to add more headcount to the PMO. That will solve EVERYTHING.

PMO is the biggest joke. The PMO guys create and track gantts, then the R&D leads track gantts, and then the managers/directors track gantts. Can we say "redundant"? The worst is when the PMO guys try to get technical and speak engineering lingo and sound like third graders.