
CEO Joseph Jimenez (photo) has told the investment community he is confident the plant will reopen mid-year

Read more: FDA report shows deep problems at closed Novartis Consumer Health plant - FiercePharma Manufacturing http://www.fiercepharmamanufacturin...onsumer-health-plant/2012-02-06#ixzz1lqpTj2JL
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So, you've got that going for you...

Re: Production? Pets meds was out a couple weeks ago

Petmeds was out of interceptor a couple weeks ago and now they have a good supply again! Seems like Novartis shipped Petmeds before they took care of the veterinary customers. GOOD MOVE!

Pet Meds gets their product from diverting vets, if a vet diverted - then they get product.. Same as for Frontline, Heartgard, Comfortis, and yes.. even Trifexis.

Good news for heartgard although not for us. Also it appears vet offices are starting to realize interceptor does not cover all 3 hooks and several have said they are not coming back to interceptor as whips are not zoonotic in the U.S. And hooks are. Let's face it interceptor only sold well because we convinced then it was more exclusive to their offices than heartgard. That simply isn't the case and nor is sentinel. Oh well it was good while it lasted.

Yea, hooks from South America really worry vets and customers. If my dog has whips and is pooping all over the house I'd be pissed he was on heartgard and not protected against whips. Good luck convincing people poop on the carpet is covered by your merial guarantee!