Primary Care SAFE! Specialty GONE in June


Why would Primary Care be safe? They have no products. Pretty errogant to think anyone is safe in this industry. Get ready for unemployment, food stamps and government cheese.

Wrong, wrong, wrong.

Everyone will be affected. Period.

It's already going on in here at HQ. Slow, steady whacks in marketing, operations, sales support, finance, supply etc. The only departments not being whacked are legal and HR.

Every field team will be hit hard.

Psychiatry - do I even need to say it? Gone.
PCP - cut 40%
Specialty - cut 50%, with the bulk coming from Institutional Sales in the Midwest and Northeast since at every meeting those are the DBMs who whine about access. You get your wish meatballs.
Vaccines - yes, cuts even here by 10% as shifts are made to combine with IS survivors.

Timing: Mid June

Wrong, wrong, wrong.

Everyone will be affected. Period.

It's already going on in here at HQ. Slow, steady whacks in marketing, operations, sales support, finance, supply etc. The only departments not being whacked are legal and HR.

Every field team will be hit hard.

Psychiatry - do I even need to say it? Gone.
PCP - cut 40%
Specialty - cut 50%, with the bulk coming from Institutional Sales in the Midwest and Northeast since at every meeting those are the DBMs who whine about access. You get your wish meatballs.
Vaccines - yes, cuts even here by 10% as shifts are made to combine with IS survivors.

Timing: Mid June

Wow - this entire thread is so wrong. funny but completely wrong on most fronts.

Primary Care currently has 10+ drugs, not counting anything from King or Apixaban....and it's spelled "arrogant"

Most of those 10 plus drugs are running out of gas Mr Spelling Policeman! What are you going to do? Make dollars with a me too waste of time drug like Toviaz? I think not... Get your resume fired up!

Wrong, wrong, wrong.

Everyone will be affected. Period.

It's already going on in here at HQ. Slow, steady whacks in marketing, operations, sales support, finance, supply etc. The only departments not being whacked are legal and HR.

Every field team will be hit hard.

Psychiatry - do I even need to say it? Gone.
PCP - cut 40%
Specialty - cut 50%, with the bulk coming from Institutional Sales in the Midwest and Northeast since at every meeting those are the DBMs who whine about access. You get your wish meatballs.
Vaccines - yes, cuts even here by 10% as shifts are made to combine with IS survivors.

Timing: Mid June

IF there are going to be big cuts mid-June would be better than Fall. Just get it over know