Press Release OMG LOL

This meeting has made a true impact on me. Bioscience? Really? Just put "second hand low rent" after Aytu and be honest. When you don't give a shit about patients and want to sell bullshit at least be honest. Time to look in the mirror and realize no matter the payout, integrity is worth more than trying to make a buck. Bioscience????

This meeting has made a true impact on me. Bioscience? Really? Just put "second hand low rent" after Aytu and be honest. When you don't give a shit about patients and want to sell bullshit at least be honest. Time to look in the mirror and realize no matter the payout, integrity is worth more than trying to make a buck. Bioscience????

Come on, don’t we care about patients?? Make sure the get codeine, ambien in a spray form or helping fat, diabetic, lazy men get off the couch w a nasal gel....wait the product has to actually work to give the T boost they need. Yes the meeting left me invigorated to get the F out ASAP. Please, any job!!

This meeting has made a true impact on me. Bioscience? Really? Just put "second hand low rent" after Aytu and be honest. When you don't give a shit about patients and want to sell bullshit at least be honest. Time to look in the mirror and realize no matter the payout, integrity is worth more than trying to make a buck. Bioscience????
Invoking the word integrity to make you feel better about your lowly position in the pharma world is an old coping mechanism for the unsuccessful rep. Just shut up and move on.

So, does anyone ever wonder why that guy in southern california got paid on volume from 3 territories - two where he didn't do anything? How can that weirdo get credit and be "#1" for volume he had nothing to do with? What a joke. Favoritism all the way. You're a fraud Sean. And that arrogant a-hole in California - stop taking credit for other people's work.

Invoking the word integrity to make you feel better about your lowly position in the pharma world is an old coping mechanism for the unsuccessful rep. Just shut up and move on.
You're right. Aytu is a lowly position in the pharma world. Thanks for helping prove my point. Nice use of the word "invoke". Too bad you're not as astute as your vocabulary implies. Moron. Keep talking and stay.

Invoking the word integrity to make you feel better about your lowly position in the pharma world is an old coping mechanism for the unsuccessful rep. Just shut up and move on.

Your go-to always assumes a low performing representative. I believe your narcissism creates that bias and is why everyone hates you as a rep or you work in Denver.

I am not the poster you attacked, but maybe the truth hit a little close to home.

You're right. Aytu is a lowly position in the pharma world. Thanks for helping prove my point. Nice use of the word "invoke". Too bad you're not as astute as your vocabulary implies. Moron. Keep talking and stay.
”Invoke” is an intriguing word to you? really are the cream of the crop. Nice use of the word “astute”. Why do I feel as though your lips are moving as you read this post? Go AYTU!!!

”Invoke” is an intriguing word to you? really are the cream of the crop. Nice use of the word “astute”. Why do I feel as though your lips are moving as you read this post? Go AYTU!!!

Of course I'm the cream of the crop- Aytu only hires the best. How'd you know I move my lips when I read? You're so insightful. By the way- stock is at $1.21. Keep bailing water- I'm sure you can keep your shitty little boat from sinking. Lose some weight.

How is that additional 15,000 working out for you?? Hahahhahaha. Company is garbage. If I’m correct you own 40,000 shares about 1.35. Ouch. Listen to us minion reps cause we are on the side that sees reality. Come November it will be .75

Thank you Sean for leading us down the path of pathetic. Thank you Jarrett for following Sean down the path. You are both pathetic losers - look what you've done. Fake sales growth, going backwards, diminishing the entire sales force (except for your favorite fella in CA). You guys are so over confident in your own abilities that you let this whole thing go to the shitter. Well, fuck you both. Fire them now Josh. They let you down.