President Obama To Campaign To Guarantee Health Law's Success..

That ignorant statement will require an explanation.

Washington (CNN) -- President Barack Obama revitalized his push for holding down middle-class tax rates Monday, calling on Congress to pass a one-year extension of the Bush-era tax cuts for people earning less than $250,000 a year.

So you see moron, you can't extend tax-cuts for the middle class, if first, Bush didn't put those cuts in place. The middle class benefited greatly from the Bush Tax Cuts and Obama has admitted as much.

Any of you Obama fans out there who are making enough money to see the TAX impact on your LAST pay check? I did. It sucked. MY check was $1,600 light!!!

Stupid reply from a Tea Party troll...

to the Liberal on the message board...

did you get lost in cybor space? this is not a union or municipal job chat forum... please tell me how Obama's policies helped a hard working middle class person like yourself....

as an independent - this is what I saw;

MY TAXES increase
Price of Gas and OIL triple
milk, bread and beef (over double)
Health Insurance work plan deductible go up

that was just a start.
Can anyone add or dispute to that quick list?

to the Liberal on the message board...

did you get lost in cybor space? this is not a union or municipal job chat forum... please tell me how Obama's policies helped a hard working middle class person like yourself....

as an independent - this is what I saw;

MY TAXES increase
Price of Gas and OIL triple
milk, bread and beef (over double)
Health Insurance work plan deductible go up

that was just a start.
Can anyone add or dispute to that quick list?

I agree... perfectly logical and obvious, real-world observations. Unfortunately, the liberals on this site are blinded by total ideological faith. Their faith in Obama has rendered them completely incapable of evaluating the wreckage that Obama has created. They are more concerned with the perceived success of Obama than with the success of America.

I agree... perfectly logical and obvious, real-world observations. Unfortunately, the liberals on this site are blinded by total ideological faith. Their faith in Obama has rendered them completely incapable of evaluating the wreckage that Obama has created. They are more concerned with the perceived success of Obama than with the success of America.

To the right wing conservative on the message board:

Here is what you and your party stand for:

1) Greatly reduce or entirely eliminate taxes on the rich, thereby forcing hard-pressed working families to painfully make up resulting revenue shortfalls.

2) Bust labor unions, cruelly preventing the collective bargaining that's the key reason why US workers ever won decent wages and benefits.

3) Stubbornly deny the existence of ominous climate change while blithely pumping more pollutants into the environment from lucrative, dirty industries and practices. Although reputable scientists say 350 carbon parts per atmospheric million is the safe limit for sustained life on Earth, Republicans dismiss the frightening fact that we're already at a carbon level of roughly 390 ppm.

4) Remove "restrictive" regulations on everything from investment banks and credit card companies to a broad array of "profit-eroding" consumer protections, leaving the American masses exposed to a host of resulting abuses and dangers.

5) Continue to criticize and insufficiently fund public education, advocating private schooling instead, thus entirely ignoring that progressive public systems are used in every country that has education outcomes superior to our own.

6) Outlaw abortion, under a fraudulently moral guise, compelling the US to bloodily join those benighted, backward nations where thousands of already-born, living, breathing, socially functioning females perish because of sexist denials of their basic reproductive rights.

7) Continue to recite a Pledge of Allegiance whose last six words are "with liberty and justice for all," while remaining numbly oblivious to the harsh hypocrisy of preventing our homosexual citizens from marrying.

8) Speak often and loftily of freedom, but engage in secret wiretapping, repression of domestic dissent, neo-McCarthyite witch hunts, Red-baiting name calling, and a panoply of Patriot Act transgressions against the Constitution of the United States...all under the misused rubric of "national security."

9) Generally drive down the income levels of America's working-class majority, as a purported cost-saving corporate measure, without appreciating that a populace that's too poor to buy back what society produces is doomed to economic ruin. A living wage is the ultimate "stimulus," but try to find even one Republican who favors it!

10) Continue to lie about the alternative, affordable health care for all that some fifty world nations' people overwhelmingly support, thereby propagandistically leading Americans to think that having private insurance whose premiums are rising at rates three times higher than our pay -- and which routinely denies coverage when it's required most -- is somehow preferable

11) Unleash de facto ethnic cleansing against 12 million immigrant men, women, and children, making them contemporary equivalents of the Jewish scapegoats that Hitler blamed for hardships Germans experienced during a prior period of capitalist economic distress.

12) Shamefully try to lend credence to their avarice and social irresponsibility by revising the Bible to obscure passages that place human need before abject greed, attempting to turn it into a facilitating guide for modern peers of the temple moneychangers whose tables Jesus angrily knocked to the floor (and who undoubtedly wouldn't be mentioned in the amended version that one conservative group is actually, amazingly trying to put into circulation).

13) Give full vent to the intensely bigoted hatred that has crazed extremists dreaming of literally tearing Barack Obama to pieces and gassing all liberals...if only they could.

14) Place the livelihoods and lives of over 300 million Americans in the hands of incompetent ideological "purists" such as Sarah Palin.

First of all, the so-called "Rich" pay FAR MORE IN TAXES THAN YOU. The TOP 1% pay 39% of ALL INCOME TAXES, up 2% from 2000 when President Bush took office. The TOP 50% pay 97% of all income taxes. The bottom 50% damn-near PAY NOTHING. MORON.

Man-Made climate change is a JOKE!

The U.S. is OVER-REGULATED. We are in NO shortage of regulations.

Public education sucks. Private education is FAR SUPERIOR. School choice would help, but UNIONS won't allow it. We spend over $638 billion and that's not ENOUGH!?!!?!?

The term marriage has a meaning.... it has ALWAYS meant between a man and woman.

Abortion on demand.... great?!?!? No respect for life. Pathetic!

Secret wire tapping???? You better talk to your messiah.

I can NOT address any more of your outdate pathetic strawmen.

Do you live in reality?????

10) Continue to lie about the alternative, affordable health care for all that some fifty world nations' people overwhelmingly support, thereby propagandistically leading Americans to think that having private insurance whose premiums are rising at rates three times higher than our pay -- and which routinely denies coverage when it's required most -- is somehow preferable

Facts: Millions have cancelled policies under Obamacare. Many have much higher premiums and/or deductibles.
Medicare is bankrupt and denies coverage/treatment at a higher rate than private insurance.

Now go pray to Obama... He will make everything alright. LOL!

To the right wing conservative on the message board:

Here is what you and your party stand for:

1) Greatly reduce or entirely eliminate taxes on the rich, thereby forcing hard-pressed working families to painfully make up resulting revenue shortfalls.

2) Bust labor unions, cruelly preventing the collective bargaining that's the key reason why US workers ever won decent wages and benefits.

3) Stubbornly deny the existence of ominous climate change while blithely pumping more pollutants into the environment from lucrative, dirty industries and practices. Although reputable scientists say 350 carbon parts per atmospheric million is the safe limit for sustained life on Earth, Republicans dismiss the frightening fact that we're already at a carbon level of roughly 390 ppm.

4) Remove "restrictive" regulations on everything from investment banks and credit card companies to a broad array of "profit-eroding" consumer protections, leaving the American masses exposed to a host of resulting abuses and dangers.

5) Continue to criticize and insufficiently fund public education, advocating private schooling instead, thus entirely ignoring that progressive public systems are used in every country that has education outcomes superior to our own.

6) Outlaw abortion, under a fraudulently moral guise, compelling the US to bloodily join those benighted, backward nations where thousands of already-born, living, breathing, socially functioning females perish because of sexist denials of their basic reproductive rights.

7) Continue to recite a Pledge of Allegiance whose last six words are "with liberty and justice for all," while remaining numbly oblivious to the harsh hypocrisy of preventing our homosexual citizens from marrying.

8) Speak often and loftily of freedom, but engage in secret wiretapping, repression of domestic dissent, neo-McCarthyite witch hunts, Red-baiting name calling, and a panoply of Patriot Act transgressions against the Constitution of the United States...all under the misused rubric of "national security."

9) Generally drive down the income levels of America's working-class majority, as a purported cost-saving corporate measure, without appreciating that a populace that's too poor to buy back what society produces is doomed to economic ruin. A living wage is the ultimate "stimulus," but try to find even one Republican who favors it!

10) Continue to lie about the alternative, affordable health care for all that some fifty world nations' people overwhelmingly support, thereby propagandistically leading Americans to think that having private insurance whose premiums are rising at rates three times higher than our pay -- and which routinely denies coverage when it's required most -- is somehow preferable

11) Unleash de facto ethnic cleansing against 12 million immigrant men, women, and children, making them contemporary equivalents of the Jewish scapegoats that Hitler blamed for hardships Germans experienced during a prior period of capitalist economic distress.

12) Shamefully try to lend credence to their avarice and social irresponsibility by revising the Bible to obscure passages that place human need before abject greed, attempting to turn it into a facilitating guide for modern peers of the temple moneychangers whose tables Jesus angrily knocked to the floor (and who undoubtedly wouldn't be mentioned in the amended version that one conservative group is actually, amazingly trying to put into circulation).

13) Give full vent to the intensely bigoted hatred that has crazed extremists dreaming of literally tearing Barack Obama to pieces and gassing all liberals...if only they could.

14) Place the livelihoods and lives of over 300 million Americans in the hands of incompetent ideological "purists" such as Sarah Palin.

It is far better to only be thought of as stupid, than to open your mouth (post on a message board) and remove all doubt. You ought not post such stupid shit. You are making libs look far worse than they already do, if that's possible.

You're talking to a real whacko. This is where the person got the list which is 4 years old.

I wonder why the guy left out number 9?

9) Show the rest of humankind nothing but bullying world-cop arrogance through endless US interventions and aggressions on foreign soil, resulting not just in countless lives extinguished in indefensible wars, and billions of badly-needed dollars flushed down the drain, but constant al Qaeda recruitment against hated Yankee interlopers.

I wonder why the guy left out number 9?

9) Show the rest of humankind nothing but bullying world-cop arrogance through endless US interventions and aggressions on foreign soil, resulting not just in countless lives extinguished in indefensible wars, and billions of badly-needed dollars flushed down the drain, but constant al Qaeda recruitment against hated Yankee interlopers.

Who says I'm a guy ... lol.. you moron..

It is far better to only be thought of as stupid, than to open your mouth (post on a message board) and remove all doubt. You ought not post such stupid shit. You are making libs look far worse than they already do, if that's possible.

Thanks for the advise.. you moron right wing idiot. You guys are so filled with your one way of tinking that you can't see straight.

10) Continue to lie about the alternative, affordable health care for all that some fifty world nations' people overwhelmingly support, thereby propagandistically leading Americans to think that having private insurance whose premiums are rising at rates three times higher than our pay -- and which routinely denies coverage when it's required most -- is somehow preferable

Facts: Millions have cancelled policies under Obamacare. Many have much higher premiums and/or deductibles.
Medicare is bankrupt and denies coverage/treatment at a higher rate than private insurance.

Now go pray to Obama... He will make everything alright. LOL!

Actually we will pray the the right wing gods that they will cure eveyrthing wrong in this country.. now go back to driving your Porsche, your 7 figure salary and million dollar home..

Actually we will pray the the right wing gods that they will cure eveyrthing wrong in this country.. now go back to driving your Porsche, your 7 figure salary and million dollar home..

Another pathetic little liberal who has no understanding of how the world works... literally zero understanding of how and why America became the greatest, most prosperous, most tolerable, generous nation in world history. You should read a basic American history book. And NO, I am not trying to say America is or was perfect, but no society anywhere throughout history has ever done it better than America.